субота, 31 травня 2008 р.

John Scalzi - The Last Colony; The Sagan Diary; Android's Dream

The Android's Dream - Scalzi's swashbuckling satire of interstellar diplomacy (after 2005's Old Man's War) stars Harry Creek, a low-level State Department deliverer of bad news to alien ambassadors to Earth who's also a war hero and a ...

Source: Android News

Android??s Own Apps Store

Andy Rubin Android project leader said ?It would be a great benefit to the Android community to provide a place where people can go to safely and securely download content and where a billing system would allow developers to get paid ...

Source: Android News

does anyone have any Android Kikaider, Wolf's Rain, or...

does anyone have any Android Kikaider, Wolf's Rain, or .hack//sign?

Source: Android News

Google Phone (Android) Demo Of Streetview With Compass

I think this is going to be really neat: you walk around the streets of San Francisco, for example, with your Android powered phone, en route to your destination 20 blocks away. You whip out your phone, go to Google Maps, ...

Source: Android News

Google demonstrated its Android mobile phone software Google I/O <b>...</b>

I'm really looking forward to Android. While I'm stoked about the new BlackBerry, an non-blackberry android enabled phone might convince me to switch away from RIM.

Source: Android News

Google's Android demo shows app store, tweaks iPhone formula

Attendees at Google's I/O Conference this week were greeted with an Android phone interface that shares yet more common ground with the iPhone from the company's close neighbor Apple, including the first evidence of a dedicated app ...

Source: Android News

Google shows off what Android is

However, the recent Google Android demo might just pull the rug under the popular platforms in the market today. Check out the awesome map feature as demoed at Google I/O last week. ...

Source: Android News

Google shows off ‘Android’ software for mobile phones

Although brief, the demonstration at the Internet search leader’s annual developer conference in San Francisco represented the most extensive public look so far at “Android” - an open-source platform being designed for “smart” phones ...

Source: Android News

Google Android

Video on introduction of the Google Android phone - hat tip The Times review. Complete article reviewing the new operating system here. Is it a category killer, time will tell.

Source: Android News

Android to offer application store in the future

Google might offer an application store -- similar to one for the iPhone -- for its Android mobile operating system sometime in the near future.

Source: Android News


Apparently, Google plans an AppStore for its mobile platform Android, The Register reported. In March, when Steve Jobs announced the iPhone SDK roadmap, a similar initiative was introduced for the iPhone and iPod Touch. ...

Source: Android News

First preview of Google’s Android phone

Demonstrating the device at a developers’ conference in San Francisco, Andy Rubin, who heads up the project at Google, declined to give a release date, but said that the first phones powered by Google’s Android operating system will ...

Source: Android News

Android from A to Z

It is always enchanting to observe the way Google work for their Android, especially during the Google I/O conference from May 28th to 29th in San Francisco. Hmmm, of course I didn’t go to that event, but still I can carry on the result ...

Source: Android News

Android to offer iPhone-like App Store

“It would be a great benefit to the Android community to provide a place where people can go to safely and securely download content and where a billing system would allow developers to get paid for their effort”. ...

Source: Android News

пʼятниця, 30 травня 2008 р.

Developers Praise Android at Google I/O

Developers praised the programming experience and the potential of Google’s Android mobile platform at the Google I/O conference as the company emphasized its flexibility and showed cool new features. ...

Source: Android News

SPEAK UP: What Do You Think of Android So Far?

After watching the video from Google I/O, what are your thoughts about Android? Leave us a comment below.

Source: Android News

Preview Of Google's Android Phone (Video)

Demonstrating the device at a developers' conference in San Francisco, Andy Rubin, who heads up the project at Google, declined to give a release date, but said that the first phones powered by Google's Android operating system will ...

Source: Android News

Android Devs: Sorry, But Try Again!

Google has published the list of fifty finalists in some Apps-for-Android competition. Click here for the PDF version (recommended over the web version). Out of all of those apps, only two caught my attention. ...

Source: Android News

Latest Google Android Demo Videos

Google latest open source Android prototype for mobile phones is demonstrated: Google’s Street View using Android: Turn the device and it pans. via the Android Community Basic Android video here . Download the Android SDK here . ...

Source: Android News

Latest Google Android Demo Videos

via the Android Community. Basic Android video here. Download the Android SDK here. Wanna win some of the $10 million Google is giving away? Enter the Android Developer challenge:. Technorati Tags: google, android, technology.

Source: Android News

Android to offer Application Store in the future

According to Android project leader, Andy Rubin, Google might offer an application store--similar to one for the iPhone--for its Android mobile operating system some time in the near future. The Register reports that ...

Source: Android News

Android + Travel = Location Based Services

Mobile applications are not really my passion, but I have to say that after playing with my wife’s iTouch and viewing the latest videos about Google Android, I am truly excited about what the mobile web has to offer. ...

Source: Android News

Google (Probably) Building An Application Store For Android

El Reg has jumped on a comment by Android project leader Andy Rubin at the Google (NSDQ: GOOG) I/O developer conference to infer that the search giant is planning to offer an iTunes-like application store for its Android phones. ...

Source: Android News

Google Demonstrates Android's Look and Feel

The Google I/O conference was this week, and the team working on Android took the opportunity to show off this upcoming mobile operating system.

Source: Android News

Android’s On Fire!

Android Mania! Android: Show Me The CC&P! What eChanges Will High Oil Prices Bring? HTC Advantage Running Google Android OS! Your Phone Might Rat On You iPhone Continues To Swallow The Internet I Hate You Frikkin Tech Bloggers. I Do! ...

Source: Android News

Android: 3 Questions, 3 Answers

Take for example Paul Kapustka from GigaOM with his recent article titled, “Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems“. We don’t mean to pick on Paul… in fact, we enjoy reading his articles and he offers great industry insight. ...

Source: Android News

Google Android Phone

Phones running Android, which includes companies like Samsung, HTC, LG Electronics, and Motorola, will have capabilities like no other phone on the market. Plus, it’s all open-source, so software designers can build whatever peripheral ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android phone - first view

Owners of the new Google-powered mobile phone will be able to unlock the handset by drawing a secret shape on the screen. The new ’signature unlocking’ tool was among the features revealed during a sneak preview in California yesterday. ...

Source: Android News

Android Is Out For iPhone Blood

Wednesday, at Google's I/O Event, the company demonstrated their Android prototype phone, a device which has been greatly improved since its last public outing at this year's CES and Mobile World conferences. Today, Android looks classy ...

Source: Android News

Application store will most likely appear in Android

It's looking like Google will do what it can to provide an application store on Android-based handsets (see that "Market" icon above?). As project lead Andy Rubin mentioned at the Google I/O developer conference, "It would be a great ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android Revealed - Available Late 2008

Google just released, in association with the Open Handset Alliance, a preview of what Android, an open-source mobile platform, will look like. The above video was taken at last night’s Google I/O ‘08 Keynote with more videos that focus ...

Source: Android News

Google Shows Off Android Software for Mobile Phones

Although brief, the demonstration at the Internet search leader's annual developer conference in San Francisco represented the most extensive public look so far at "Android" -- an open-source platform being designed for "smart" phones ...

Source: Android News

Video: Google demonstrates Android

Google demonstrated its Android mobile phone software Wednesday at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco. The project under development by Google and a number of partners in the Open Handset Alliance...

Source: Android News

четвер, 29 травня 2008 р.

Comment on Hot at Google IO: Android by Simon Brocklehurst

Robert, I counted 19 people at the Android table (I may have miscounted, but it looked about that to me from your Qik video). Is that supposed to be a big number? I don’t think it is. There are definitely some strong positives to take ...

Source: Android News

Google's I/O ConferenceShows Off Android Mobile OS

Google took Android, their mobile phone OS due for release later this year, out for a stroll yesterday at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco. Vic Gundotra (Android's VP of Engineering) led a keynote bringing various developers ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by <b>...</b>

Gigaom says that Android is cool, but it has issues. Read about it here. [...]

Source: Android News

Paul Johnson said: Apple will not allow Android to out-innovate it <b>...</b>

Paul Johnson said:. Apple will not allow Android to out-innovate it in the area of Mobile Web applications. on the entry Google's Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by Paul Kapustka

Maybe Android will find more success on higher-end smartphones or MIDs (mobile Internet devices) still to come? Maybe that will be an easier nut to crack than to compete against corner stores and subsidized phones.

Source: Android News

Google's Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?

RWW network blog last100 has coverage of the latest Android news coming from Google's I/O conference. Dan langendorf writes that "as you would expect from the company that brings you search and Google Maps, Android handles information ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by TareX

Today, Android has matched the speed of the iPhone, and added the much required OPENNESS. Everything is open, the applications, the carrier, the UI is heavily customizable, and the web browser is like Safari without the limitations, ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by Google <b>...</b>

than that, the conference was Google Gears, HTML5, lots of Javascript/AJAX and of course, Android, Android, Android. There’s even a company selling a 12-hour crash course in Android to prepare developers for [...]

Source: Android News

Android - The Future of Cell Phones

I know we have yet to see the REAL features of the iPhone 2.0 update but something tells me its not going to reach the potential of Android. Android is a project being developed by the The Open Handset Alliance. ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by Jose <b>...</b>

Why would Android apps be different? Security is always a concern whenever you download and install an app, but Android is no different from the issues you can have today on a smartphone or a PC with Windows, Mac OS or Linux ...

Source: Android News

Android Q&A

Some lengthy Q&A about Android dropped some really, really interesting tidbits. The excitement regarding Android continues to build and these videos illustrate that the Android concept is finally maturing into a solid product. ...

Source: Android News

Google Demonstrates Android

Apple's iPhone set the bar, and now it's up to the rest to either catch up to Apple, or outdo them. Google is trying just that with its Android mobile phone operating system, and it has demoed the capabilities of its new mobile phone ...

Source: Android News

Google shows off its answer to iPhone: Android

Google shows off the iPhone. I mean Android.

Source: Android News

Cool Android Apps at Google I/O, But Problems May Loom

At the Google I/O conference this week, applications for Google's Linux-based Android mobile platform are generating buzz. Recently, we looked in on 10 of the Android applications that earned cash prizes in Google's Android Developer ...

Source: Android News

Android creeps even closer

Although Google representatives remained as tight-lipped as ever, the system is still on course to be released by the end of the year, so the notion Android is nearly completely seems to hold water. Touching features ...

Source: Android News

Latest Android demo videos are hot!

The folks over at Android Community have posted some exclusive videos of some new Android demos. Very cool stuff happening with that platform. I am not going to write too much about this as the the videos they provided speak for ...

Source: Android News

Google shows off mobile platform Android's capabilities

Google's eye-catching demonstration of an early Android-enabled mobile phone Wednesday appeared to mimic Apple's iPhone. But Google officials downplayed the notion that they will face off against iPhone in the handset market.

Source: Android News

Comment on Hot at Google IO: Android by Aaron Fischer

Android still needs to be put on a phone that works on a cell network. Most of the cell providers don’t seem to like open systems. Is that some how going to change?

Source: Android News

Android platform getting closer to launch, runs Pacman too

The Google Android OS team held a demo event showcasing the latest developments in the Android platform. Last time we saw the Android OS in February...

Source: Android News

Comment on Hot at Google IO: Android by Dario Salvelli

Have u see Pac-Man on Android? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q3gGNtbxhQ :P.

Source: Android News

Hot at Google IO: Android

How can you tell what's hot at a conference? Come to the party and check out the size of the crowds around the tables. Answer: Android. Android is Google's open source cell phone operating system and range of cell phones. ...

Source: Android News

Here comes the Android

Mr Jobs had better watch out coz the Android is here. Google showed off a number of exciting new developments by the company and the one that got the biggest response was Android - an open-source platform being designed for “smart” ...

Source: Android News

Google demos Android again; it’s full of promise, but we’re still <b>...</b>

As you would expect from the company that brings you search and Google Maps, Android handles information delivery, location and navigation extremely well — or so we think. There’s still no actual Android phones to play with. ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by H

Android. Open. What does it offer me as a developer that I can’t get today with Symbian, or LiMo, or WiMo, or RIM, or… The wireless OS space is very competitive, unlike the computing OS space, and the OS’s are highly functional and have ...

Source: Android News

середа, 28 травня 2008 р.

Google Shows Off ‘iPhone-like’ Android Features

A prototype phone from an unnamed manufacturer was shown running Android software during the keynote. The device featured a touch screen display and a startup screen full of colorful icons for launching programs and Web services, ...

Source: Android News

Google shows touchy-feely Android phone (with pics!)

Google demonstrated some new tricks of its Android mobile phone software, including an elaborate use of Google Maps Street View and a touch-screen interface with abilities known for their presence on Apple's iPhone.

Source: Android News

Android Interface 100% Shock and Awe

After seeing the pictures of Android Interface all I can say is that Steve Jobs probably has a upset stomach. Android is open and will have all the features of the iPhone, along with a very similar interface and it is not going to be ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems by Ben Feldman

Outside of the US (where it’s expected that Android phones will launch first), China Mobile, KDDI, NTT DoCoMo, Telecom Italia and (perhaps most importantly) Telefonica are also founding members of the OHA. ...

Source: Android News

Android: Much Coolness, But 3 Big Problems

Like all the other geeks in attendance, I couldn’t help myself from letting out an audible “whooo” when Google showed off an Android phone demo Wednesday that linked Street View to a compass (see video below). Sure it was just a demo, ...

Source: Android News

Android Details Shared By Google

Today at Google's I/O conference, a live demonstration of a phone running the Android platform showed off some of the new mobile operating system's capabilities. One feature is a user-defined, gesture-based unlock capability. ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android Exposed!

Google’s latest Android prototype is miles improved over the versions we last saw. Back at CES the GUI was clunky and the whole thing looked relatively primitive; Google themselves asked us to keep an open mind and instead concentrate ...

Source: Android News

Android Demo'd—Not Too Shabby

A demo of the latest Android user interface has hit the web—Android Community has a lot of screenshots and some video of a demo in a conference. It's on a touch screen phone (natch) and looks pretty smooth...some new features are ...

Source: Android News

Google shows touchy-feely Android phone

SAN FRANCISCO--Google demonstrated some new tricks of its Android mobile phone software, including an elaborate use of Google Maps Street View and a touch-screen interface with abilities known for their presence on Apple's iPhone. ...

Source: Android News

Android prototype Q&A: video, transcript & hardware details

It seems this fresh Android prototype has once again stirred up interest in the open-source OS, and one of the common questions is “what smartphone is that?” After impressing the crowds with their live demonstration, the developers sat ...

Source: Android News

Android TouchScreen Video Demo

Turns out at Google I/O there is a demo of Google’s Android cellphone touchscreen being shown on the HTC Dream. Guess everyone wants to have their touch stuff out before Apple releases whatever they are going to release. ...

Source: Android News

Google demos latest version of Android cellphone OS

Overall, Android has an iPhone-like look and feel. The home screen has a program launcher that looks remarkably similar to Apple's. But there are a few things that set it apart. First, the status bar that shows up at the top of every ...

Source: Android News

Google I/O Developer Event Opening Keynote

Also speaking at the keynote was Steve Horowitz, the Engineering Director for Android. Horowitz brought on to the the stage a demo Android device in which he used to show the home screen, and touch screen capabilities. ...

Source: Android News

Android demoed at Google IO

The first ever full screen demo of Android has just been posted at androidcommunity.com. Our own Vincent attended the event, and snapped around 140 pictures of the device for your viewing pleasure. Not only that, but Vincent also has ...

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ... Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Differences between Android and iPhone

UI Toolkit, A bunch of Android-specific classes (ie not Swing or SWT). There are standard classes for lists, buttons, check boxes, text input, etc. But everything is proprietary to Android. Cocoa, I think? ...

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ... Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ... Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

вівторок, 27 травня 2008 р.

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

The Android’s Dream— Like I said before this book had me from the word “fart” and never let go. I felt refreshed by reading this book…I find some SCIFI really hard to get into or even care about to finish. R. Scott Bakker for instance… ...

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ... Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

The Android’s Dream— Like I said before this book had me from the word “fart” and never let go. I felt refreshed by reading this book…I find some SCIFI really hard to get into or even care about to finish. R. Scott Bakker for instance… ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by ...

Android Application Demos […] Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ... Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

The Android’s Dream— Like I said before this book had me from the word “fart” and never let go. I felt refreshed by reading this book…I find some SCIFI really hard to get into or even care about to finish. R. Scott Bakker for instance… ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by ...

Android Application Demos […] Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

coolest r2d2 android ever

R2D2 has been getting a lot of exposure lately. Maybe its because robotic technology is getting better, or maybe it’s because he’s far more fun that his bore of a cousin C3PO. Either way, a lot of interest has increased over this cute ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

The Android’s Dream— Like I said before this book had me from the word “fart” and never let go. I felt refreshed by reading this book…I find some SCIFI really hard to get into or even care about to finish. R. Scott Bakker for instance… ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by ...

Android Application Demos […] Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

Did I ever mention that I alway type Brain when I mean Brian…i even do that when emailing my cousin Brian…i am such a dunce.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by dyginc

The Android’s Dream— Like I said before this book had me from the word “fart” and never let go. I felt refreshed by reading this book…I find some SCIFI really hard to get into or even care about to finish. R. Scott Bakker for instance… ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by ...

Android Application Demos […] Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by ...

Android Application Demos […] Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Comment on Fifty Android Developers Get $25000 Each: The List by <b>...</b>

Android Application Demos […]

Source: Android News

Google’s Eric Chu Sheds Light on Android

This seems like somewhat of a conundrum since Google’s Android, OpenSocial and FriendConnect hope to make things simpler through openness and consolidation, yet too many Social Networks leans towards an annoyingly fragmented environment ...

Source: Android News

Nokia Still Not That Into Googles Android NOK GOOG

A Nokia exec said that Googles GOOG Android mobile operating system was laudable because its trying to open up innovation just that doesnt mean its going to get the Nokia stamp of approval.But it could mean the company will sign up ...

Source: Android News

Nokia Still Not That Into Google's Android (NOK, GOOG)

Android will succeed with or without Nokia (NOK), but obviously it would be better for Google to have the world's biggest handset manufacturer on board. Verizon (VZ) has already publicly backed an Android competitor, and while AT&T (T) ...

Source: Android News

Verizon shuns Android for LiMo

But the big-name telco says it has no objections to selling Android phones as well. "This is not an either/or proposition," company spokesman Jeffrey Nelson told us. "We do believe that we will also offer devices with the Android OS ...

Source: Android News

Nokia Disses Google’s Android. Again.

There was a rumor that Nokia was beginning to warm up to Google’s Android platform. The world’s leading handset manufacturer had toned down it’s bravado regarding Android and while they didn’t seem ready to give it a full endorsement ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android vs. LiMo: What’s the difference? by Giff <b>...</b>

LiMo gives them control over aspects like the UI, Android limits control. The real question, thus, as the carriers/operators ultimately control the point of sale, comes down to whether or not the carriers are willing to ultimately give ...

Source: Android News

Child Robot Android

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i57EdqtcnPQ&feature=related. Channel: Popular Videos Tags:

Source: Android News

Vote Rigging in the Baltics?

It was Eurovision night on Saturday... so I took a couple bottles of wine to the 'rents and they fed me pizza while we watched (and judged in our own strange way) the acts that made it through to the final. ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android Winners: Earning $10.42 An Hour

Google received more than 1700 applications for its first Android Developer Challenge. About 97% of them walked away with zilch. But 50 winners received $25000, and are in line for another $3.75 milllion. So was it worth their while? ...

Source: Android News

What Happens After iPhone 2.0 Comes Out?

Android will succeed because it’s not tied to one specific set of hardware. Once everyone and their sister has a touch screen phone with 3G network capabilities, Apple could find themselves fighting for air with a more expensive, ...

Source: Android News

Is view flipper inside onkeylistener not possible?

Hi All,. I want to use view flipper inside onkeylistener like below. getListView().setOnKeyListener (new ListView.OnKeyListener() { @Override public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { long retval = 0; ...

Source: Android News

Google's Android Winners: Earning $10.42 An Hour (GOOG)

Depends: Google (GOOG) received more than 1700 applications for its first Android Developer Challenge. About 97% of them walked away with zilch. But 50 winners received $25000, and are in line for another $3.75 milllion. ...

Source: Android News

I think, therefore I am...

Brows knitted, he was a picture of concentration. After all, it was an affront to his ego that a problem in organic chemistry could remain unsolved for an hour and a half... His brand new iPhone came to life, announcing the intention of ...

Source: Android News

Android client to pc server with socket

I want to connect a android client application to a java server on pc via tcp, I have tested my code in pure java, that's ok. However the client in android can't connect to the server. I've passed so much ...

Source: Android News

The Modern Android Cybernaut - Robot, Lasers & Citizen Kane

... mysterious superterranean lair of the Robotmakers. Original music and film. Questions left unanswered. Author: robotmakers Tags: moog modular synthesizer robotmakers building robot pop rock laser electronic modern android cybernaut.

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

When Google does make its Android mobile phone software an open-source project later this year, it looks likely it will take a page from the Linux playbook and use Git version control system to manage that part of the work.

Source: Android News

понеділок, 26 травня 2008 р.

Nest - Nest

On the net there is a label called Serein. It's very good and I recommend nearly everything on it; the artists there are among the best "folktronica," or "electro-acoustic" artists out there, or whatever you want to call them. ...

Source: Android News

Android Prototype 1.1 (KDE Wallpaper 1680x1050)

It's my vision on Google Phone. Blender+GIMP. Phone screenshots from Android SDK. 1280x1024 here: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Android+Prototype?content=81874.

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by <b>...</b>

I started reading The Android’s Dream because I just couldn’t get into The Blade Itself. I must say that from the very first sentence, the book had me hooked. I don’t think I have read any sci fi book as original and funny. ...

Source: Android News

Google challenge winners give Android thumbs-up - VentureBeat

Google challenge winners give Android thumbs-up VentureBeat, CA - 1 hour ago Android already includes quite an impressive set of tools that let developers advance relatively quickly: support for the Eclipse IDE, an advanced emulator . ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by Stace

After reading Old Man’s War, I was just looking for an excuse to go get the rest of Scalzi’s books and your BOTM made me take the necessary diversion from work. I really didn’t regret it. I can see why Brad might’ve been put off too but ...

Source: Android News

Comment on May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi by <b>...</b>

Is this the part of the BOTM club where we ask questions??? If so, I only have one thus far for John Scalzi: I’m sure you’ve answered this question a million times, but where did you get the idea for the beginning of your book? ...

Source: Android News

Google challenge winners give Android thumbs-up - VentureBeat

Google challenge winners give Android thumbs-up VentureBeat, CA - 1 hour ago Android already includes quite an impressive set of tools that let developers advance relatively quickly: support for the Eclipse IDE, an advanced emulator ...

Source: Android News

Google challenge winners give Android thumbs-up

Two weeks ago Google announced the first-round winners of its two-round Android Developer Challenge (ADC). The contest, which is promising a total of $10 million in prize money, is intended to entice developers to come up with exciting ...

Source: Android News

May 26, 2008: The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi

Which brings us to this month’s scifi BOTMC selection: The Android’s Dream. The first person I lent it to, executive producer Brad Wright, brought it back the very next day. “I couldn’t do it,”he informed me. “The first sentence just ...

Source: Android News

Google to Demonstrate Android in Sydney

We’ve been waiting patiently to see Google present Android in a formal capacity and it looks like it will be happening soon. We got a bit of news that Google will be attending the Mobile World Conference in Sydney Australia this ...

Source: Android News

Info on 46 of the Android contest winners

Info on 46 of the Android contest winners.

Source: Android News

Google Could Pick Git to Manage Android Code

Underexposed: "Releasing 8.6 million lines of source code and expecting open-source programmers to join Google in its development is a technological challenge..."

Source: Android News

Android Prototype 1.0 (KDE Wallpaper 1280x1024)

It's my vision on Google Phone. Blender+GIMP. Phone screenshots from Android SDK. PNG version here: http://picasaweb.google.com.ua/silentlexx/Blender/photo#5204769385054329970.

Source: Android News

Git to Manage Android Code

Here are a few more signs for the haters and the non-believers that Google Android will become a complete Open Source Project once the first set of phones have taken to the market later this year. According to Cnet News, Google will be ...

Source: Android News

Nokia looks at Google Android with scepticism

"When Android has that many lines, we'll make an assessment. Until them it's just an announcement." The quote was given to Ryan Kim blogging at SF Gate, and most of what Kim and Savander talked about was "strategy" - well worth reading ...

Source: Android News

Coding Quickie - Android "SwingWorker" functionality

I've been working with Android recently and people have asked for a background Task API that works with Android, and non Java SE environments. I plan on releasing the Task API for Android soon, however, it's not ready yet. ...

Source: Android News

JavaOne - Mobile Computing, Android, iPhone and Everything Else

Android; The Open Handset Alliance; social aspects of mobile computing; Nokia's presence and all the contributions they are making that utilize Java. The themes included Java on the phone, pen, TV, and John Gage said identity and ...

Source: Android News

Very slow XML parsing

database. As the database is largely static, I've persuaded the developers to give me an XML dump of the whole thing, which I'm replicating in an SQL database on the device. This almost works well. The problem is, the Android XML parser in.

Source: Android News

programmatic access to routes calculations on maps application

Hello. The maps application on Android, like many other application of that sort, has a function to calculate shortest routes between 2 points on the map. Is this functionality exposed in any of Android APIs ? Thanks.

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world

Google is committed to many open-source tenets with its Android mobile phone software--but it's willing to step on a few open-source toes, too. Read this blog post by Stephen Shankland on Underexposed.

Source: Android News

How to use apache.commons.logging under Android?

Everything works fine under my war bundle. I develop an "android client" using the same core/implementation java code. But i don't know of to setup apache.commons.logging to trace something under android emulator :-/

Source: Android News

Adding an alternative action to Maps Application

option in Maps Application(system application)? My application can launch normally from the main menu. I tried adding this intent-filter:. android:name="android.intent.c ategory.DEFAULT" />

Source: Android News

Problem in call from mobile to another mobile

Here is my code,. package com.IW.Testcall;. import java.net.URI;. import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.ContentURI; import android.os.Bundle; import android.net.ContentURI;

Source: Android News


Show ID: 185782 Start at: 5/26/2008 4:07 am PST Embed: http://www.ustream.tv/flash/live/185782 Description:

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open source world

Google did not invent open source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, do not accuse Google of playing follow the leader. Although the company has long used open source ...

Source: Android News

Doctor Who in Order: The Androids of Tara

The Androids of Tara is often said to be remake of The Prisoner of Zenda within the Doctor Who format. That is not quite true. I actually prefer The Androids of Tara, as it has a more complex plot than The Prisoner of Zenda, ...

Source: Android News

Re: [android-internals] Re: /sys/android_power folder disappears <b>...</b>

From: Lorraine To: Android Internals Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 9:41 AM Subject: [android-internals] Re: /sys/android_power folder disappears after reboot on n800 Yes, I was using the wrong parameters that only test flashed it. I.

Source: Android News

Re: [android-internals] Re: /sys/android_power folder disappears <b>...</b>

yalcin ----- Original Message ----- From: Lorraine To: Android Internals Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 9:30 AM Subject: [android-internals] Re: /sys/android_power folder disappears after reboot on n800 Thanks :) That was it!

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

Releasing 8.6 million lines of source code and expecting open-source programmers to join Google in its development is a technological challenge. But when.

Source: Android News

Android platform beyond iPhone

Google Mobile Platform for Rich Miner recently said, Google Android mobile platform of the size of the market to go beyond the Apple iPhone mobile phone.

Source: Android News

glGetFloatv throws an UnsupportedOperationException

Hello,. does anybody know if glGetFloatv method has been implemented yet? When I try to retrieve the modelview matrix for an instance of the class GL11 I get an UnsupportedOperationException. Thanks.

Source: Android News

неділя, 25 травня 2008 р.

Even an Android Can Cry - Royal Blue

Even an Android Can Cry - Royal Blue, by no1. submitted on May 25, 2008.

Source: Android News

Google Android v1.0 - Nokia Mobiles

Description : Run Google Android (gPhone) API on your Nokia Mobile Supported Mobiles : All Nokia 240x320 Mobile phone! Size : 447 KB Download Link:. http://www.ziddu.com/downloadlink.php?uid=ZLKclpitZayilZqtsKyZlJyiYq%2BWlpSp2 ...

Source: Android News

Re: Network Connection while the phone is ringing

Vinay and Digg, thank you for providing the insites.. One more doubt on this.. is ring time treated as voice active line.. I am looking for network connectivity during the ringing of the phone and not when the phone is picked up and ...

Source: Android News

Microsoft's CEO discounts Yahoo strategy

Compare your salary. Use the IT salary benchmark wizard and know the average salary differences between different job functions. Join activeTechPros. http://www.activetechpros.com.

Source: Android News

android in cell

I made an application made in Android, as I have put the android in cell for me to try? because I only tested on the computer at the time. = / Already exists with cellular android? Claudio.

Source: Android News

Linux May Power New Nokia Phones

Better yet, they could probably just use Google’s Android, which is a Linux operating system with plenty of built-in apps. Mind you, Nokia did a great job not going to a Windows mobile platform, which horribly sucks too with an IE ...

Source: Android News

Crossing the chasm with Android: Can we view disruptive <b>...</b>

Synopsis Recently, two developments have focused the spotlight on Android. Firstly, Verizon’s adoption of LIMO foundation Linux in preference to Android and secondly a report says that Linux will capture 20 percent of the high end ...

Source: Android News

Re: [android-developers] Working on another <b>Android</b> story

to Android. It's about making Apache Tuscany run on Android. Even though GSoC work is considered to be around 20 hours per week, I will most likely spend many more hours on it until I'm done. If you need more info on the.

Source: Android News

Google Carves an Android Path Through Open-Source World

Google's Android project marks an attempt to apply open-source programming to develop a software stack for mobile devices, and Android elements that will emerge as open-source software include a music and audio decoder from PacketVideo ...

Source: Android News

ariisa_chan @ 2008-05-25T15:56:00

My cosplay was of Android 18 which was fun, because I didn't see anyone else dressed like me. It was interesting though, throughout the convention I had maybe three or four people recognize me but just as my friends and I were about to ...

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

Releasing 8.6 million lines of source code and expecting open-source programmers to join Google in its development is a technological challenge. But when.

Source: Android News

The Application Season.

Today I have completed and sent off four unique job applications to solicitors and one pupillage application (I've been trying to get their application form since March, and I finally received it yesterday!). I am so exhausted from all ...

Source: Android News

Android Map Exception

... a google map into to mapview active, but I got the following warnings: WARN/AndroidHttpConnectionFact ory(596): Exception in HttpUrlConnection.getInputStre am: WARN/AndroidHttpConnectionFact ory(596): java.io. ... Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Google Android is not enemy of iPhone

... but mainly enemy of Windows Mobile because Asian manufacturers cannot license iPhone OS and Symbian is too much controlled by Nokia that is in direct competition with these manufactures. Conversely also in this area Google is the ...

Source: Android News


A simple and hands-on tutorial for beginners in Android. Original .

Source: Android News

Android Map Exception

Hi Guys:. I try to add a google map into to mapview active, but I got the following warnings: WARN/AndroidHttpConnectionFact ory(596): Exception in HttpUrlConnection.getInputStre am: WARN/AndroidHttpConnectionFact ory(596): java.io. ...

Source: Android News

The Silence of Revolution

Let's get this straight: I wake up as a completely blank android. Sometimes I'm irate, but usually I can't think or feel ANYTHING. I go numb in the morning. By the time I get out of the shower, I have invented the "Me" of the day... be ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Created by cduv on 12/21/2007 Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[3 new feeds] question about android library question about mimetype in android browser ...

Source: Android News

Missing Characters

Master Rochi (base, max power); Nail; Burter; Jeice; Guldo; Dodoria; King Cold; King Vegeta; Mecha Friza; Android 14; Android 15; Future Gohan (armless!) Others that hopefully wont turn up:. Lord Slug (base, super); Dr. ...

Source: Android News

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Character List

For those interested in picking up Atari's upcoming Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, we have a full list of all the characters playable in the game. Take a look at it below.1. Android #16 2. Android #17 3. Android #18 4. Bardock 5. ...

Source: Android News

question about android library

I have two quesions about android library(.so). The first one is about how to build webkit library in android. I used the files from google's website, and compiled them in QT method(build-webkit). But the output library ...

Source: Android News

question about mimetype in android browser

The original android browser cannot handle certain websites, such as youtube. How shound I do to make my browser be able to correctly render web pages with special mimetypes? Could I just write a webkit plugin in android ...

Source: Android News

Cutting Emissions

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I’m very much in favour of cutting emissions but I found the headline of this article http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/light-bulbs-ban-to-slash-emissions/2007/02/19/1171733685061.html ...

Source: Android News

Beetaun: An Update On The Android App

The other day I briefly described Beetaun for you, one of the top 50 Android apps selected by Google. The Beetaun website didn’t contain a whole lot of info so I emailed the guys and got some more tidbits about the location-based app. ...

Source: Android News

Sun tries again with consumer-flavored Java

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. The server and software company comes full circle with Java, releasing a scripting language to ease desktop and device Java development. Video: Sun launches JavaFX.

Source: Android News

Less Than 80% of Android Code Will Be Open to Developers

Andy Rubin, head of Google’s Android project and co-founder has revealed how much of Android’s code will be open source after the first Android phones are launched. Out of the 11 million total lines, 8.6 million lines will be open for ...

Source: Android News

Is History Repeating Itself with Google Android?

The Google mobile platform is in its infancy, but we should see Android based mobile phones by Q4 of this year. Google has announced an agreement with the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 handset manufacturers, carriers and ...

Source: Android News

Little Design Notes - Google I/O 2008! :D

... Building an OpenSocial Application in the Cloud,, Patrick Chanezon, Lane LiaBraaten, Jason Cooper, Type Code Lab •••; Building Great UIs with Android, Dan Morrill Type 101 •••; Fireside Chat: Open Social, product engineering team, ...

Source: Android News

George & Jaime's Rock N' Roll Road Trip!

She loved it, but was disappointed that they didn’t play “Paranoid Android” (her favorite song) and “Exit Music (For a Film)”. So needless to say, I was nervous. But boy did that fade away! Radiohead played a very electic mix of their . ...

Source: Android News

субота, 24 травня 2008 р.

George & Jaime's Rock N' Roll Road Trip!

She loved it, but was disappointed that they didn’t play “Paranoid Android” (her favorite song) and “Exit Music (For a Film)”. So needless to say, I was nervous. But boy did that fade away! Radiohead played a very electic mix of their ...

Source: Android News

Podcast: Sun brings Java to the masses

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Sun is out with a simpler scripting language for writing apps on Java-equipped desktop PCs and handheld devices, and even Bill Gates Zillows.

Source: Android News

Android Commercial

Most commercials, I don't like much, but this one is rather fun. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android Commercial

Most commercials, I don't like much, but this one is rather fun. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Joe Casey Comics: Wildcats #17

Casey has been very good at giving us little moments that suggest that there's more to Jack Marlowe than just another android. At the same time, one convention of science fiction (which this is, by the way) is the seemingly unfeeling ...

Source: Android News

Android os on wing?

Forum: Wings Posted By: ALXdenIII Post Time: 25-05-2008 at 02:35 AM …continua su xda-developers.com - aggregato da htcblog.com.

Source: Android News

UK VC Friday Round-up: Paranoid Android

Paradroid the solo offering on the Wii.

Source: Android News

Android Commercial

Most commercials, I don't like much, but this one is rather fun. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android gets third-party apps

Google just released the list of winners of their Android Developer Challenge. Each winner gets USD25,000 towards making the application into full products and ready for distribution when the first Android-based handsets get into the ...

Source: Android News

Cutting Emissions

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I’m very much in favour of cutting emissions but I found the headline of this article http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/light-bulbs-ban-to-slash-emissions/2007/02/19/1171733685061.html ...

Source: Android News

Android Commercial

Most commercials, I don't like much, but this one is rather fun.

Source: Android News

Verizon's Decision a Setback for Google's Android Plans

Google's Android mobile platform has been set back by Verizon Wireless' plans to go with the LiMo Foundation. Verizon says it wants a "truly open" operating system, but an analyst says Verizon, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile want a share of ...

Source: Android News

Waterloo, Canada students win Google Android Challenge

A team of five Canadian engineering students from University of Waterloo have won a Top 50 spot in the Google Android Development Challenge, a competition to develop innovative mobile phone applications. Jeff Kao, Robert Lam, ...

Source: Android News

Google I/O developer conference starts next week

This conference would focus on their recently launched Google App Engine in addition to OpenSocial and Android. Google’s conference would take place in San Francisco from May 28 to 29. The company said that as many as 2500 developers ...

Source: Android News

Sat Spotlight:Night for New Orleans (Early)/Cirque du Sin w/ Bang ...

Nordberg, American Android, Planet Jam, Cosmic Slop, 8 Minutes to Burn and The Gallery at The Hut. Lots of people pitching in tonight for this benefit show, which runs about $8, and the proceeds will go to needy families caught in the ...

Source: Android News

Android -v- LiMo -v- Funambol?

The title: "Android -v- LiMo -v- Funambol". Now, being put against two operating system initiative is interesting ;-) Then I read the source of it, which is an article on ZDNet by Dana Blankenhorn. The title: "Whose mobile open source . ...

Source: Android News

Android -v- LiMo -v- Funambol?

The title: "Android -v- LiMo -v- Funambol". Now, being put against two operating system initiative is interesting ;-) Then I read the source of it, which is an article on ZDNet by Dana Blankenhorn. The title: "Whose mobile open source ...

Source: Android News

Win a $12500 Trip to Australia!

Win a $12500 Trip to Australia! Embark on an exciting tour of one of the world's hottest travel destinations with Casino Elegance's Australian Adventure Vacation Giveaway! Visit some of the most famous tourist sites south of the ...

Source: Android News

Saki Unplugged...

In The Unbearable Bassington "We all know that Prime Ministers are wedded to the truth, but like other married couples they sometimes live apart." Hmm... I am thinking of becoming Prime Minister...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Google Android Community[9 new feeds] ero magazines Re: Call to a mobile through application Re: [android-developers] Spinner - No selection Spinner - No selection Re: [android-developers] Re: Masked EditText Re: Masked EditText ...

Source: Android News

Flanger:Jazz :: Android:Human?

Let’ open the drawer of musical curios and see what we might have in there … [rummaging noises] … ah yes! Here’sa song by a group called Flanger, who sound like a jazz group but whose songs are in fact entirely programmed. ...

Source: Android News


A simple and hands-on tutorial for beginners in Android. Original .

Source: Android News

ero magazines


Source: Android News

The Android of MIT student applies

The student of MIT gave a few interesting Android application with the time development of 4 months, it is them ” Building Mobile Applications With Android ” one part of course, it is the brief introduction of 7 Application below: ...

Source: Android News

Blade Runner – The Director’s Cut

The Lowdown: The year is 2019 and retired android killer (also known as a ‘Blade Runner’) Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is called back into duty to track down and eliminate a group of androids that have recently escaped from an off-world ...

Source: Android News

ADC Round 1 Winners! | Android Phone Fans

ADC Round 1 Winners! | Android Phone Fans.

Source: Android News

Android Developers Blog: The Top 50 Applications

Android Developers Blog: The Top 50 Applications.

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world <b>...</b>

Google is committed to many open-source tenets with its Android mobile phone software--but it's willing to step on a few open-source toes, too. Read this blog post by Stephen Shankland on Underexposed. 1 Vote(s)

Source: Android News

Spinner - No selection

Hi, I want to permit a user not to select any of the spinner values (as default, one of the spinners values is alwys selected). How can I enable "no selection" option on spinner control? Thanks in advance, ...

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

Releasing 8.6 million lines of source code and expecting open-source programmers to join Google in its development is a technological challenge.

Source: Android News

Working with textures in android's OpenGL/ES.

As you may recall, I use textures to draw the moon backdrop for my android application, monolithandroid. Originally, I only used one texture and I used some code from Ed Burnette's forthcoming book "Hello, Android". ...

Source: Android News


I submitted my Opinion assessment yesterday. It was way below the page limit (which is a 'limit, not a target'!), but having read it over and over again, there was nothing else that I could have included. ...

Source: Android News

Tracker: Bugs (0 open/0 total)

Tracker description: Bug Tracking System.

Source: Android News

Developers on project: 2

Project administrators: smeger.

Source: Android News

Project name: Paranoid Android

Project description: Paranoid Android is a security enhancer for Mac OS X. Whenever an application asks the operating system to open a URI, Paranoid Android steps in and asks the user for confirmation before it can be opened.

Source: Android News

Android Disaster

a small project i was doing but due to the fact of me using Xvid Footage sony vegas didn`t allow me to keep rendering it and that turn my inspiration on this off. i won`t be finishing this unless i fix my problem with vegas which i ...

Source: Android News



Source: Android News

пʼятниця, 23 травня 2008 р.

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

But when Google does make its Android mobile phone software an open-source project later this year, it looks likely it will take a page from the Linux playbook and use a tool called Git to manage that part of the work. ...

Source: Android News

Google Android application challenge winners

The Google Android team recently launched a challenge to encourage development for their new cellphone based platform. Part of the first phase was to narrow down the 1788 submissions to the best 50 application ideas. ...

Source: Android News

Google Android application challenge winners

Google Android application challenge winners: The Google Android team recently launched a challenge...

Source: Android News

Google Android application challenge winners

The Android platform will probably cause the largest adoption of Linux based cellphones yet. We can't wait to see what the homebrew community does with the platform and so much development for an unlaunched phone is ...

Source: Android News

Android Against The World

here i come again ^^ another amv lol well the amv is symply about the z warriors including the saiyans against the androids and thats why the name of the amv is androids against the world. i know well i might not be the best at video ...

Source: Android News

Convergence - 2008 TAG Forum on Leading Technologies

April 25, 2008. Atlanta, GA. Last month, I attended the 2008 Annual MITEF/TAG Forum on Leading Technologies http://www.tagonline.org/2008miteftagevent.php. The topic was a timely one - Convergence. They had a good panel of industry ...

Source: Android News

real phone authentication

Does an Android provide a programmatic way for a developer to confirm that the device currently being run is a phone and not an emulator?

Source: Android News

MobileMentalism opens up its archives

Tags: hols, again,, posting, light, next, days., place, though,, Google, I/O,, Google's, developer's, workshop, Francisco, that, starts, next, week. Among, things, being, discussed, will, Google, Android,, I'll, able, report, back, ...

Source: Android News

Google Android application challenge winners

The Google Android team recently launched a challenge to encourage development for their new cellphone based platform. Part of the first phase was to narrow down the 1788 submissions to the best 50 application ideas. ...

Source: Android News

Puluwai Mobile Real Estate Property Search for Android

Puluwai is a simple, easy-to-use mobile real estate search application for iPhone and Android. It allows you to search a worldwide database of current real estate property listings. You can specify a location, a price range, ...

Source: Android News

Linked List for 23 May 2008

If this is adopted, and there are 10000 people checking out, it’ll die. Android today consists of about 8 million lines of Linux code plus 11 million lines of higher-level code; of the latter, about 8.6 million will become open-source ...

Source: Android News

Android OS Developer needed

I am in need with for someone who is able to work with Android. I am looking to develop the Android OS for mobile phones in a specific language (arabic) and customize it with some innovative features in both english and arabic, ...

Source: Android News

AndroidChat v1.02b (Android Application)

More technically, the project consists of modifications to the inspircd irc daemon to support location-awareness services, and a client for Google's Android platform which supports location based channel matching. ...

Source: Android News

Monolith Android v1.0.3 (<b>Android</b> Game)

Monolith Android is a 3D tetris like game for the android mobile phone platform. The code is based on the SDK samples of the Android SDK. The intent is to create a fun to play game, and familiarize with the rich API of the android ...

Source: Android News

First Round : Top 50 Google Android Apps

In an effort to raise awareness about it’s latest mobile platform ,Android , Google launched a 1 Million dollar developer challenge: Hit us with your best !

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world

Google didn't invent open-source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, don't accuse Google of playing follow the leader.

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

Releasing 8.6 million lines of source code and expecting open-source programmers to join Google in its development is a technological challenge. But when Google does make its Android mobile phone software an open-source project later ...

Source: Android News

Google Releases New Android SDK To Some Developers, Makes Them <b>...</b>

As one astute commenter on the Android Challenge Google group points out, by giving the developers who've already won prizes an early look, Google is just increasing the odds that these folks will win the next challenge, which begins ...

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

But when Google does make its Android mobile phone software an open-source project later this year, it looks likely it will take a page from the Linux playbook and use a tool called Git [...]

Source: Android News

Android -v- LiMo -v- Funambol

On Wednesday this week Don Reisinger had a post up on CNET entitled 'What happened to Android-based phones?' casting doubt on how successful Android will be next year. Problem 'as always' is Google's introversion, which is a total pain ...

Source: Android News

Google could pick Git to manage Android code

To manage source code for its Android open-source project, there are strong signs Google will pick the tool Linus Torvalds created to run Linux.

Source: Android News

TalkAndroid Friday Forum Round-up 1

Here’sa round-up of the week’s forum discussion on the Android Forums. Verizon Sides with Lilo, Snubs Android - Problem? Android Developers Will Have Access to Less Than 80% of the Android Code. Android Virtual World to Rival Second ...

Source: Android News

Google's Mobile Platform "Android" Eclipses Second Life Access.

On Google's Mobile Platform "Android," Maximum 400 Users Can Simultaneously Access, Eclipsing Second Life! The 3D virtual world realized on Android permits the functions as follows: **Actual video scenes on Android can be seen by ...

Source: Android News

Nothing ever happens

I met up with the pig farmer last night for beer, some damn fine burger, interesting news, and karaoke. After a swift one in the Weatherspoons we headed to the Gourmet Burger Kitchen. OH EM GEE! Those burgers are good. ...

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open source world

Although the company has long used open source software within its internal operations, Android is Google's highest-profile attempt so far to use the collaborative programming method to change how computing is done outside the company's ...

Source: Android News

Working with files

Hi, In my application, i want to use files that are in my computer. I want to open a file on the Emulator. Please, how can i do it ? Thank you.

Source: Android News

How to add more then one spinner in relative layout

android="[link] android" android:layout_width="fill_par ent" android:layout_height="fill_pa rent">. android:id="@+id/map" android:layout_width="fill_par ent"

Source: Android News

Android virtual world whips Second Life

Eitarosoft’s Eri Tokita (you can see her demoing Lamity on video here) told us of even bigger plans: “We are also planning to distribute the service through T-Mobile, [as it] will have Android devices by end of this year.” ...

Source: Android News

четвер, 22 травня 2008 р.

Google Android eclipses Second Life! says PR company

The conventional 3D virtual world service required the use of a very high-specific PC, but Android-mounted mobile devices will enable users to enjoy the 3D virtual world service with commonly available PCs because of the mobility and ...

Source: Android News

New 3d World Built on Google Android Platform

A company by the name of eitarosoft, inc (sic) has announced the released of a new 3d virtual world built on the Google Android platform. The company appears to be aiming directly at Second Life, although much remains to be seen how ...

Source: Android News

draw view onto bitmap

Is there a way to get a view to draw itself onto a bitmap/canvas? I can see copyWindowBitmap() and getDrawingCache() public methods in the View class. What do these do exactly and how I do use them?

Source: Android News

Kernel Level Changes

So, if there is a device out now, and the core kernel of the machine being linux, can I change kernel level values and recompile it to use it? Like values in 802.11 packet size etc. I have been looking out for a mobile device on which I ...

Source: Android News

5 Israeli Products Get The Spotlight

The Five Israeli startups below have released exciting products in the last couple of weeks in different areas: we have an app for Google Android, Online Gaming Animation, Homeland Security, Personalized music video channels and a ...

Source: Android News

Google Carves an Android Path Through Open-Source World

Underexposed: "Google didn't invent open-source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, don't accuse Google of playing follow the leader..."

Source: Android News

Android SW stack

clipped by: vbaker. Clip Source: news.cnet.com.

Source: Android News

Less Than 80% of Android Code Will Be Open to Developers

Andy Rubin, head of Google’s Android project and co-founder has revealed how much of Android’s code will be open source after the first Android phones are launched. Out of the 11 million total lines, 8.6 million lines will be open for ...

Source: Android News

Page: Google-Yahoo deal can clear antitrust wall

Google billionaire co-founder Larry Page said Thursday the Internet search leader opposed a Microsoft-Yahoo deal because it would monopolize the online communications market, stifle innovation and curb competition. ...

Source: Android News

Android ShapeWriter

Android ShapeWriter.

Source: Android News

Slapped With An Open PALM

The fact that their new Linux based OS won’t launch until the first half of 2009, at the earliest, has some industry insiders suggesting Palm needs to adopt Android or face becoming an endangered species among a growing list of mobile ...

Source: Android News

Will Android Face Setback From Verizon’s Choice Of LiMo

Verizon’s latest announcement that its joining LiMo (Linux Mobile - a consortia that seeks to put an open, hardware independent Linux based OS at the heart of mobile devices) has been perceived as a setback for Google’s Android . ...

Source: Android News

Google Carves an Android Path Through Open-Source World

Underexposed: "Google didn't invent open-source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, don't accuse Google of playing follow the leader..."

Source: Android News

Mining Android Geological Prospecting Ion Engine

the MAGPIEs are invading NSL 2008. There are two versions, classic blue and amber, or black and red. Both are commemorating NSL and will only be available until June15th! I built mine in front of the ... Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world

Google didn’t invent open-source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, don’t accuse Google of playing follow the leader. Although the company has long used open-source ...

Source: Android News

Will Android Face Setback From Verizon’s Choice Of LiMo

Verizon’s latest announcement that its joining LiMo (Linux Mobile - a consortia that seeks to put an open, hardware independent Linux based OS at the heart of mobile devices) has been perceived as a setback for Google’s Android ...

Source: Android News

Mining Android Geological Prospecting Ion Engine

... the MAGPIEs are invading NSL 2008. There are two versions, classic blue and amber, or black and red. Both are commemorating NSL and will only be available until June15th! I built mine in front of the ... Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

exp630kila @ 2008-05-22T09:50:00

ANDROIDS! DESTROY BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! The android versions of TL come out (they’re all gray and have red eyes) ANDROID MIRA: Prepare to die Buzz Lightyear They go into battle and DRA-Q-LA silently sneaks into the fusion crystal vault on 42. ...

Source: Android News

Google Android eclipses Second Life!

The conventional 3D virtual world service required the use of a very high-specific PC, but Android-mounted mobile devices will enable users to enjoy the 3D virtual world service with commonly available PCs because of the mobility and ...

Source: Android News

Mining Android Geological Prospecting Ion Engine

Thanks to Wayne Hill and Eric Truax, the MAGPIEs are invading NSL 2008. There are two versions, classic blue and amber, or black and red. Both are commemorating NSL and will only be available until June15th! I built mine in front of the ...

Source: Android News

Eitarosoft to Bring Virtual 3D World to T-Mobile/Android

The Japanese based company Eitarasoft has announced their plans to bring their 3D virtual world “Lamity” to T-Mobile’s upcoming Android based handset later this year. The software seems to be geared towards social networking via a chat ...

Source: Android News

So many platforms. How does a developer choose?

There is the iPhone SDK, Google’s Android, and RIM's BlackBerry. There are communications tools like Twitter, Jaiku, and Pownce. There is the choice of development languages, and associated tools. Do you choose Java? Ruby on Rails? ...

Source: Android News

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit

Recoome Cell Imperfect ,Semi-Perfect ,Perfect Android #16 Android #17 Android #18 Bardock Broly Legendary Super Saiyan So Far this looks like the best DBZ game yet even though we're taking a step back in the character area. Trailer: ...

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world

Google is committed to many open-source tenets with its Android mobile phone software--but its willing to step on a few open-source toes too. Source: CNET News.

Source: Android News

Google carves an Android path through open-source world

Google didn't invent open-source programming or pioneer the mobile-phone software market, but when it comes to its Android project, don't accuse Google of playing follow the leader. Although the company has long used open-source ...

Source: Android News

Comment on Android vs. LiMo: What’s the difference? by Shai Almog

>> Operators and manufacturers are those >> who decide what goes on our phones, >Actually, not everywhere. Russia is a special case ;-) In Europe and most of the world we can do the same but still well over 90% of the people buy the ...

Source: Android News

Amazing!!! Vitor Araújo - Paranoid Android (Radiohead)

Amazing Brazilian Pianist. Only 18 years old and simply amazing!We'll be hearing from this kid a lot. I'm sure....

Source: Android News

середа, 21 травня 2008 р.

addRoundRect Bug?

I'm using the Path addRoundRect method in a modified FingerPaint application. It looks like the round rectangle is being drawn only in the fourth quadrant (finger right and below the start position). The addRectangle works correctly in ...

Source: Android News

Couldn’t open socket error from URLConnection getInputStream ??

I get "Couldn't open socket" error from my Android app after it runs for a few hours. A thread is in a while loop doing URL.openConnection.... after many of these (about 1000), I get the error. Has anybody encountered this and/ ...

Source: Android News

<15 seconds of fame

Although I enjoy Tony Kornheiser's radio show, he has been driving me crazy with his speculations about the Democratic primaries. "If Hillary keeps winning states, why doesn't she have a shot?" On Tuesday, while listening to him wonder ...

Source: Android News

Hey ‘Guys:02

What good could possibly come from throttling the innovation that Android is just starting to engender ? Android apps need to be as available for purchase and subsequent download as Windows apps are. To place a “monitor” barrier between ...

Source: Android News

Winners of the Android contest

You can check out screenshots and descriptions of most of the winners of the first round of the first Android Developer Challenge at http://code.google.com/android/images/adc1r1_deck.pdf. I so can't wait to buy an Android phone. ...

Source: Android News

Android 18!!

is android 18 freakin hot in this game or what?

Source: Android News

Comment on Android vs. LiMo: What’s the difference? by David <b>...</b>

It completely discounts the potential contributions of the tens of thousands of open source developers who already know how to write code for mainstream Linux-based systems. Too bad for Android, but ultimately good for the manufacturers ...

Source: Android News

Beautiful android librarian-like woman from Sunset Rubdown

Bed now. It is stupidly late (early) and all the tendons in my right hand have seized up. Argh.

Source: Android News

Google Hands Out $1.25 Million To 50 Android App Winners

Google Hands Out $1.25 Million To 50 Android App Winners: I’m surprised that enkin isn’t in the list of winners. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Google Hands Out $1.25 Million To 50 Android App Winners

Google Hands Out $1.25 Million To 50 Android App Winners: I’m surprised that enkin isn’t in the list of winners.

Source: Android News

Android Empire - Demo (2008)

You can download Android Empire - Demo (2008). Android Empire - Demo (2008) tracklist:. 01. Broken Glass Vision; 02. Citizen 665; 03. Nemesis Nation; 04. Breathing By Compromise; 05. Zenturio; 06. Her Wrath; 07. Electric Alleluja . ...

Source: Android News

Android Empire - Demo (2008)

You can download Android Empire - Demo (2008). Android Empire - Demo (2008) tracklist:. 01. Broken Glass Vision; 02. Citizen 665; 03. Nemesis Nation; 04. Breathing By Compromise; 05. Zenturio; 06. Her Wrath; 07. Electric Alleluja ...

Source: Android News

LiMo and Android take different tacks to capture mobile mark

Android and LiMo both want to boot up Linux on your cell phone, but there the similarities end. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

LiMo and Android take different tacks to capture mobile mark

Android and LiMo both want to boot up Linux on your cell phone, but there the similarities end.

Source: Android News

Japanese Company Announces Virtual World for Google Android T <b>...</b>

Tokyo-based software producer, Eitarosoft announced the development for a 3D virtual world based on Google's open Android platform.

Source: Android News

Verizon is not completely ruling out Android

Verizon has, on the other hand, said that it has not completely ruled out Google’s Android as being an acceptable operating system for their handset line. In short, they will not take measures to actively block Google’s Android from ...

Source: Android News

Accessing updated or newly inserted rows from Cursor.

Hi all,. I am using a cursor in an activity and I'd like to access the updated and newly inserted rows from it, rather than having to loop through it. How would I get about it ? your support will be appreciated. Thanks in advance ...

Source: Android News

bindService() does not start the service

a have a activity called ClientAYmsg.java , a Serivice name AYmsgService.java, an AIDL called IAYmsgService.aidl (which automatically create IAYmsgService.java) and a java class Called AYmsg.java. the ClientAYmsg.java only filled with ...

Source: Android News

Setting height of ListView dynamically in run-time

hi. I want to set the height of a ListView during run-time of my application. It seems that setPreferredHeight(int) doesn't do this job and I can't find any similar function. Did somebody already do something similar? Thanks, Patrick.

Source: Android News

Mobile Update: iPhone 2.0 and Googles Android

Android phones, using a Linux-based open source operating system, will allow users to tweak and customise their own user interface, differing from traditional Windows or Symbian based handsets. 2) Worldwide Launch of iPhone 2.0 on June ...

Source: Android News

Android UI Screenshots!! [PICs] …sure looks like the ole Gphone to me!

Giz have posted some beautiful screenshots of the new Android UI… Looks great! read more | digg story.

Source: Android News

Working with Images in Google's Android

Google's Android platform really took the developers' world by storm with the announcement of the 10 million dollar challenges. Since its inception in late 2007, almost 1800 new software entries had been submitted from all over the ...

Source: Android News

About Telnet

Hi, Can anybody pls explain me about telnet.

Source: Android News

Does Android dream of Virtual Worlds?

The adoption of mobile technology hasn’t been a matter of ‘if’ for a long while now, but seems to be stuck on the ‘when’. I used to think the ‘next gen’ phones with internet access where to be the last step towards mass adoption, ...

Source: Android News

Eitarosoft reveals Lamity virtual world for Google’s Android <b>...</b>

Japanese firm Eitarosoft has announced details of a new 3D virtual world called Lamity that it's developed for Google's Android smartphone platform, and released video footage of it in action. What's more, the company claims it can ...

Source: Android News

Bluetooth Emulation

I have been looking for information about Android's bluetooth support, but unfortunately it is not implemented yet at the Android's emulator. (see [ 1 ] ). I have found some sensor emulators, such as cameras or acelerometers, ...

Source: Android News

More details about Verizon's commitment to LiMo (hint: Android <b>...</b>

Finally, it emphasized that the move certainly doesn't spell doom for Android; for consumers, the worst case is that they'd have to bring their own Android handset to the table (assuming there are compatible, unlocked CDMA devices ...

Source: Android News

Direct Link of Android Saga

The Androids Appear 112.A Handy Trick 113.Double Trouble for Goku 114.Upgrade to Super Saiyan 115.The Secret of Dr. Gero 116.More Androids?! 117.Follow Dr. Gero 118.Nightmare Comes True 119.Goku’s Assassin 120.Deadly Beauty ...

Source: Android News

вівторок, 20 травня 2008 р.

Google Android Platform SDK for mobile devices...

Just not too long ago, Apple's iPhone applications SDK was press released, and 3rd party iPhone applications development has gone into full swing. Another giant - Google has also launched its Android OS platform and the corresponding ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Google Android Community[14 new feeds] Re: changing the default menu style [android-developers] Mobile 3D Virtul World service on Android Platform! Re: [android-developers] changing the default menu style changing the default menu style ...

Source: Android News

Video: EitaroSoft, inc., Announces Lamity for the Android Phone

EitaroSoft, inc., announced today that it had developed a 3D virtual world to run on Android, a platform for open handset development from Google. The world has been running on other phones for a while, even drawing an early campaign...

Source: Android News