середа, 30 квітня 2008 р.

HTC HSDPA Diamond checked!!

HTC is already down in the books as being a member of the Open Handset Alliance scheme with Google, and will be releasing an Android handset later this year apparently, however it’s looking likely next Tuesday will usher in the Diamond ...

Source: Android News

Corrupter of the Youth

I watched a news report on the children & mothers removed from the polygamist sect compound in Texas, and I felt a pang of desire to be a teacher to those kids, especially the teens. I want to teach them the hard and fast truths of the ...

Source: Android News

Re: is this still true?

Are you saying in order to test this with the emulator, I need to have android:configChanges="orienta tion|keyboardHidden"?

Source: Android News

First Android phone ?

There are some speculations about this phone would be the HTC Dreams that would be released on May 6th.

Source: Android News

AutoHTN - Google Android App for Home Automation and A/V Control

We have all seen the power of various third-party apps on the iPhone (though most have to be installed via a ?jailbroken? iPhone). Now we are starting to get a taste of what?s to come for Google?s Android open mobile platform. ...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice Prepping Office Suite for Google's Android Platform

To allow 'gPhone' users to read, write and edit Microsoft Office and Google Doc files.

Source: Android News


I really have to watch what I say now, to avoid any action in libel from my BVC peers, since one of them (who happens to be in my new syndicate group) has successfully traced me. We had some fascinating conversations today: ...

Source: Android News

Windows Mobile More Important Than Google’s Android

…the Diamond phone powered by Windows Mobile, that will be announced on May 6, is the most important product for HTC this year, more important than Google Android -powered phones that HTC will release later this year. ...

Source: Android News

New HTC Touch Diamond to star Windows, not Android

Several Asian and European online news sources have reported that Windows Smartphone manufacturer HTC will have a huge product release on the 6th of May which will include the HTC Touch Diamond and the Touch Pro.

Source: Android News

Android - Making Mobile Coupons Mainstream

The question is, who will step up to the plate and make the best Android App involving coupons? The first round of the Android Developer Challenge has passed and we’re wondering how many entries were coupon based. Anybody? ...

Source: Android News

Mobile Web Server 1.3 released: ready to share!

Mobile Web Server has reached 1.3 version, and It’s time to give it a try! The setup process is really simple: you must register, and then download the software (a single SIS installer). Done that, you’re ready to share all your phone ...

Source: Android News

Comment on enkin for Android by TareX

Enkin is why I’m waiting for an Android phone (HTC Dream?). Seriously, I would have bought an WM6.1 device instead if I hadn’t seen the Enkin video.

Source: Android News

New Android smartphone app controls your house remotely

Our partners in crime over at Android Authority have posted a new story about an app called AutoHTN that will allow Android based smartphones to control all sorts of home devices ranging from home theater systems to lights and ...

Source: Android News

Non-Android HTC Touch Diamond Smartphone to be Introduced Soon

Recently, we reported that HTC is looking forward to make use of the Google Android operating system onto its latest devices. So, we expected the Hi Tech Computer to roll the smartphones or PDAs with Android OS. ...

Source: Android News

Character Profile from DragonBallZ Burst Limit

1st time he appears: Dragon Ball Z (Android Saga) Race: half Saiyan and half Earthling Character Traits: honest and serious Fast Fact: he carries a sword given to him by Tapion on his back Fighting Style: strong point is a fighting ...

Source: Android News

AutoHTN Brings Home Automation To Android

Here at Talk Android we’ve covered many of the leading Android applications currently in development ranging from simple 2-D video games to more complex mobile social networks. A new application on our radar is Auto Home Theatre Network ...

Source: Android News

Pathfinders – End

An Android. Not just any android, not a bucket of nuts and bolts and computer bits, not just some robot. No, an Android with a Difference. Nothing like The Keepers. He created me and prayed over me, he meditated, poured his anguish into ...

Source: Android News

HTC Says WM Is More Important Than Android

Even though we have heard it over and over that HTC is one of the front runners to be serving Google when its Android is coming out. HTC just wanted to assure us and (probably) Microsoft that they think Microsoft's Windows Mobile is ...

Source: Android News


Top View 2D Race Game. Advertisement:

Source: Android News

Quickoffice Commits to Office Suite for Android

To be taken seriously, every mobile platform needs a suite of applications to let users work with Microsoft Offices files, and those interested in Android won't have to be concerned that they'll be left out in the cold.

Source: Android News

More stock!

Old Man's War, The Ghost Brigades and The Android's Dream by John Scalzi. (Based on the way this man's books seem to zoom out of the store, if you're looking to get one or more of them, you'd best be quick, as he rarely lasts more than ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Re: [android-developers] Re: Problem Centering and Padding Buttons in Layout Re: Problem Centering and Padding Buttons in Layout Re: [android-developers] Problem Centering and Padding Buttons in Layout ...

Source: Android News

20/20 Podcast #12B

Application Manager and all the features that go along with it; The first place to look for Android applications; Far more in depth than Handango In Hand; Could this become standard OEM software for carriers? ...

Source: Android News

Re: Android source isn’t available ?????????

that Android is truely open source. In fact I saw statements where it has been called "open source". But, when I started to look for the platform code, I could not find any. Surprisingly, on the android ...

Source: Android News

34 Weeks of OHA: #17

Insert Android buzzword “openness” here, talk about rich mobile internet, blah-blah, Print it. NTT DoCoMo isn’t committing to anything. If Android wins, great, they were there from the beginning. If Android loses, that’s okay too, ...

Source: Android News

Re: [android-developers] Re: Problem Centering and Padding Buttons <b>...</b>

Oops, sent too fast. Used android:layout_marginTop="XXdi p" or android:layout_marginBottom="X Xdip", depending on whether you put this attribute on Button 4 or Button 3.

Source: Android News

Re: [android-developers] Problem Centering and Padding Buttons in <b>...</b>

Try this: android="[link]" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_par ent" android:layout_height="fill_pa rent" android:gravity="center" > ...

Source: Android News

Hello, Android posted by Ed Burnette @ Wed, 30 Apr 2008 00:22:48 -0000

Thanks for buying Hello, Android: Introducing Google’s Mobile Development Platform. As you know, it’s currently a beta book, which means the chapters in the PDF may be incomplete and, despite our best efforts, may contain mistakes and ...

Source: Android News

вівторок, 29 квітня 2008 р.

Quickoffice and Android Unite

While there’s no word on a release date as yet, and with the Linux-based Android yet to be released, you will have to wait patiently to enjoy the active executive lifestyle this partnership promises.

Source: Android News

BluePhoenix.TV -- Lets talk about android!

Android is googles open source platform for mobile/handheld devices. Check out my live stream at http://bluephoenix.tv.

Source: Android News

Google Android Mobile Domains vs Squatters

...collection of Android based domain names to point at Google DNS servers (though none resolve to a destination as of this evening). These domains are all based on the name for Google's mobile phone operating system and "Software ...

Source: Android News

50bookchallenge @ 2008-04-29T15:48:00

There were less detailed sex scenes than I remember Steele putting in The Clone and I, but it WAS mostly about a chick falling in love with an android and then angsting about it. (This is Sunrise Alley by Catherine Asaro (oddly, ...

Source: Android News

HTC Says WM Is More Important Than Android

Even though we have heard it over and over that HTC is one of the front runners to be serving Google when its Android is coming out. HTC just wanted to assure us and (probably) Microsoft that they think Microsoft's Windows Mobile is ...

Source: Android News

HTC Says WM Is More Important Than Android

Even though we have heard it over and over that HTC is one of the front runners to be serving Google when its Android is coming out. HTC just wanted to assure us and...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice catches Android fever, suits let out sigh of relief

Doesn’t really matter how high the cool factor is on Android handsets once they start trickling into the retail channel — if they lack productivity and enterprise software, business penetration is going to hover near zero. ...

Source: Android News

The Words ‘Dick’ and ‘Head’ Appear in This Posting

The android, which looked just like the author and was able to conduct rudimentary conversations about Mr. Dick’s work and ideas, was at the cutting edge of robotic technology, able to make eye contact and believable facial expressions. ...

Source: Android News

QuickOffice for Android, Match Made Reluctantly in Heaven

Everyone knows that the fate of Android rests on the shoulders of those developing for the platform. If it has cool and useful applications that make using Android Handsets effective and fun, score. If not… then… unscore? ...

Source: Android News

Third Party Component into Visual Web GUI?

Let's say you see some third-party GUI components that you really like, like a special grid for example, how does one get that into visual webgui? There are 2 cases here: 1 - You have source code access. Is this as simple as modifying ...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice catches Android fever, suits let out sigh of relief

Doesn’t really matter how high the cool factor is on Android handsets once they start trickling into the retail channel — if they lack productivity and enterprise software, business penetration is going to hover near zero. ...

Source: Android News

SIP UA for Android (+stack + RTP) released

This release includes a short illustrative manual on how to use the SIP client and some things you need to do to configure it (mostly because of the limitation of the android emulator and what it does(not) support as of the current . ...

Source: Android News

Two Heads are Better than One

Earlier this month, Intuit unveiled (internally) a new logo that replaces the android with a more broadly humanized representation of, well, humans. There isn't much information yet on the rebranding, as the web site still has the old ...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice catches Android fever, suits let out sigh of relief

Doesn't really matter how high the cool factor is on Android handsets once they start trickling into the retail channel -- if they lack productivity and enterprise software, business penetration is going to hover near zero. ...

Source: Android News

SIP UA for Android (+stack + RTP) released

This release includes a short illustrative manual on how to use the SIP client and some things you need to do to configure it (mostly because of the limitation of the android emulator and what it does(not) support as of the current ...

Source: Android News

addicted to…xxxxxxxx?

東京ドーム参戦までもうすぐ1か月をきろうとしています。 yukihiroさんに会えるのが楽しみで仕方なかったり。(´ー` *) …こんな事書くから「本当に好きなんだね」って言われるんだろうけど。 でも好きなんだよねぇ。(´ー`*) ...

Source: Android News

connect adb to embedded target

Hi everyone. I have brought up android on our embedded hardware. Network is working, as we can see for example by using the browser. Has anyone succeeded in connecting the adb android debugger to the embedded hardware? Best regards ...

Source: Android News

Vegan Donuts!!!

DOUNTS!!!!!! For our April potluck, the theme was breakfast. I decided to make donuts, I used the recipe found on Vegan Yum Yum (but added a few touched suggested by The Urban Housewife) The recipe was super easy and the donuts came out ...

Source: Android News

TvProgrammi.com goes mobile!

TvProgrammi.com, the Italian TV guide, finally has its mobile version! If you have a phone supporting J2me (MIDP 2.0), you can download its first version directly from www.tvprogrammi.com. Navigation is really straightfoward: ...

Source: Android News

更多Google Android视频:第三方手机hack、游戏- GSeeker

下半年越来越近了,这意味着基于Google Android平台的Google Phone很快就会出现。如果你实在等不及HTC等厂商将要发布的Google Phone,也可以抢先看看一些已上市的手机上运行Google Android系统是怎样的。尽管这些都只是非官方的Google Phone,但 ...

Source: Android News

Re: Issues with Android File system -OMAP2430

The issue is resolved. Now i am using the root filesystem which is exoprted as an NFS mount . Thanks, Shivananda.

Source: Android News

Piada do Dia

Batmam e Robim Onde o Batmam conheceu o Robim? NO BATE-PAPO!

Source: Android News

Surkin Is Racing

The Prodigy - Android Dj Funk - Make That Booty Clap Kazey - Sweet Harmony Human Resource - Dominator (Joey Beltram Remix) KW Griff - Too Many People Robert Armani - Ambulance Cybotron - Clear S-express - Theme From S-express ...

Source: Android News

Confirman el arribo de los primeros teléfonos con Android para fin <b>...</b>

Si bien ya había algunas pistas que indicaban que 2008 sería el año en el que Android saltaría a escena, ahora llegan datos más concretos de la mano de la operadora T-Mobile, cuyo vicepresidente confirmó que los primeros teléfonos ...

Source: Android News

Java memory code area ...

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Hi, ...

Source: Android News

About HTTP connections in android

Hi, Can anybody please explain me the http connections in android. Thanks judy.

Source: Android News

Red Android by Twisted Freq

Artist: Twisted Freq Label: Electronica Exposed Genre: Hard Dance (Hard Trance) Release Date: 2003-02-01 Track Length: 5 minutes 26 seconds.

Source: Android News


Top View 2D Space Combat. Advertisement:

Source: Android News

Android Developer Challenge I Entries:

According to Google, there were more than 1700 entries in the (Android) Developer Challenge I, but it’s been very difficult trying to secure access to the list of entries. The tables below contain just a small fraction of the entries, . ...

Source: Android News

Google Android: Mobile Tech. Wind of change

First release with Apple iPhone, then with the neo OpenMoko 1973 and, finally, Google with a new flat-android named. Of all the facts already mentioned, is an android of the jolt of the Open Source community and communication. ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: <b>Android</b> and Web Services

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Android Developer Challenge II

The 50 winning projects from the Android Developer Challenge I are eligible for participation in the Developer Challenge II, which will launch after the first handsets built on the (Android) platform become available in the second half ...

Source: Android News

Android Developer Challenge I Winners

More than 1700 projects were entered into the Android Developer Challenge (ADC). However, only 50 will be selected to receive various cash projects and be qualified to enter the second and last challenge. You will find a listing of some ...

Source: Android News

Android Developer Challenge I Entries:

According to Google, there were more than 1700 entries in the (Android) Developer Challenge I, but it’s been very difficult trying to secure access to the list of entries. The tables below contain just a small fraction of the entries, ...

Source: Android News

HTC To Unveil New Touch Diamond And Touch Pro On May 6 - No Android

HTC’s global press event planned for May 6th has been surrounded by reports that HTC plan to use the occasion to show of their Android powered wares, sadly it’s now sounding like that may not be the case afterall. ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Re: [android-developers] Android IP Routing Problem About Simple Talk Problem using Jars in building android application using ant Android IP Routing Problem Re: webservice using ksoap2 in android Re: How to use a content provider . ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Sia - Paranoid Android (Radiohead cover)

Great performances all around. Saturday looks just as promising with acts like the Teenagers, Minus the Bear, MGMT, Kate Nash, Hot Chip, Yo Magesty, MIA, Protishead, and the legendary Prince… ... Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Android SDK

One of the best things in Android SDK is a platform interoperability. I’m not tighten to any specific OS. For MS Windows Mobile, I should use their Windows and for iPhone, I should work in Mac OS X. My laptop does have both of operating ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Sia - Paranoid Android (Radiohead cover)

Great performances all around. Saturday looks just as promising with acts like the Teenagers, Minus the Bear, MGMT, Kate Nash, Hot Chip, Yo Magesty, MIA, Protishead, and the legendary Prince… ... Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

HTC to launch handset running Google's Android

HTC is developing a handset called "Dream" that runs Google's Android software, according to a report from InfoWorld. The handset is reportedly 5 inches long and 3 inches wide with a large touchscreen and a full QWERTY keypad that . ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Re: [android-developers] Android IP Routing Problem About Simple Talk Problem using Jars in building android application using ant Android IP Routing Problem Re: webservice using ksoap2 in android Re: How to use a content provider . ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Sia - Paranoid Android (Radiohead cover)

Coachella 2008 Day 1 was a complete success. Great performances all around. Saturday looks just as promising with acts like the Teenagers, Minus the Bear, MGMT, Kate Nash, Hot Chip, Yo Magesty, MIA, Protishead, and the legendary Prince… ...

Source: Android News

понеділок, 28 квітня 2008 р.

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

HTC to launch handset running Google's Android

HTC is developing a handset called "Dream" that runs Google's Android software, according to a report from InfoWorld. The handset is reportedly 5 inches long and 3 inches wide with a large touchscreen and a full QWERTY keypad that ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android on the iPhone?

... sale of locked mobile phones and the iPhone costs 60% more than in the US. A good solution to get rid of the lock and still have some software that can be upgraded from reliable repositories would be to run Android on iPhone hardware.

Source: Android News

Custom views

In Android, entirely new view classes could be created and used in conjunction with XML layout files, similarly to built-in views. Views have their own lifecycle. Intererested readers should consult the documentation of android.view. ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

Putting advertisements within handheld applications is nothing new. Finding an effective way to make them unobtrusive is the tricky part.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Re: [android-developers] Android IP Routing Problem About Simple Talk Problem using Jars in building android application using ant Android IP Routing Problem Re: webservice using ksoap2 in android Re: How to use a content provider ...

Source: Android News

New French Blog on Android Gphone

Le nouveau blog francais sur les gphones Android suivi quotidienDaily updates.

Source: Android News


I got 83% for Civil Litigaiton. Yay!

Source: Android News

Court case: android head of Philip K. Dick lost

This wonderful legal document, David Hanson and Hanson Robotics vs America West Airlines, is well worth the read. It involves the loss of "an artistically and scientifically valuable robotic head modeled after famous science fiction ...

Source: Android News

Well I have been busy... I guess... it seems like it anyway. Let ...

Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. Application Framework ...

Source: Android News

Advertisements in Google Android Applications

The thought I had was,“What about advertisements in Google Android Applications?” That wouldn’t be a bad idea, if implemented correctly. In the past, I have had bad experiences with advertisements in mobile applications. ...

Source: Android News

Not Dream but Diamond?

HTC planned press event for 6 May, when this Taiwan-based company is expected to introduce an Android based mobile. But there are rumors that HTC are not planning Android device debut, but will launch Touch Diamond, successor of Touch ...

Source: Android News

New KuneriLite version with cool improvements

KuneriLite is a great tool to extend FlashLite functionalities adding support for native features like local filesystem read/write, camera recording, accelerometer capabilities and much more. All these without the need to have any ...

Source: Android News

Introducing the First socialmedian Design Contest. $1500 in prizes ...

That doesn't matter whether you are interested in broad topics like Tech News, or Politics, or more specific topics like Rock Band (the game), or android, or modern interior design, etc. Our thesis is that a way to solve this problem is ...

Source: Android News

Do Android dream of something more than Java?

Is it possible to write native C/C++ applications on Android? And how about using Prython, Groovy, Scala? This short article gives a quick glance of what you can write Android apps in at the moment.

Source: Android News

Do Android dream of something more than Java?

Android is less than 6 months old, and just two weeks ago the great Android Developer Challenge was closed with more than 1700 submissions. Google achieved enormous interest in Android within the Java community. ...

Source: Android News

The missing link in VoIP clients for Linux mobile platforms

On Linux - depending on the various distributions… And now with the new Android OS out there, there is no telling if this will cause a reduction in the number of distributions or rather an increase.

Source: Android News

paint on screen and “home” still visible, can android do it???

paint on screen and "home" still visible, can android do it??? re-paint on screen when change screen and "home" still visible, can android do it??? Anyone have any idea?? Wesley Sagittarius.

Source: Android News

Web 2.0 Expo Reveals: Mobile Is The New Desktop, Social Nets The ...

Maybe more than most, but come back after the Google Android phone is released, especially if Apple's iPhone doesn't keep pace. My closing thought on the traditional home page being dead is a quick word about what's going to replace it. ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[6 new feeds] Re: dialog user input box dialog user input box Re: [android-developers] About negative byte 0xC0 = -61 != 0xC0 ...

Source: Android News

Re: [android-internals] PXA270 <b>Android</b> not works

As far as I know the Android filesystem is not expected to be on JFFS2 partition. Please see the mailing lists for the details. Also while configuring the kernel, make sure that EABI support is turned on. The pre-built Android binaries ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile confirms it’ll have an Android device sometime this year

The first Android devices were always scheduled to arrive later this year, and while we’ve already seen a couple prototypes and hacked ports floating around, it looks like T-Mobile is the first out of the gate to confirm that it’ll have ...

Source: Android News

Android on the iphone....

scince we have pwnge now cold we find a way to install android? would it be worth it?

Source: Android News

Google announces new mobile phones advertising platform

Last year I posted about Google's Android operating system. Once mobile phones launch with Android as the OS - the mobile web will be is a single click away. You can see Google is lining up all its ventures for the mobile search market ...

Source: Android News

Android vs iPhone

I've written about the Google Phone, also known as the gPhone, before on billso.com. Mobile phone manufacturers are starting to test prototypes and prepare an initial wave of handsets for FCC certification, with public sales likely late ...

Source: Android News

Google Android (Linux) na HTC TyTN II

Google Android Linux running on HTC TyTN II.

Source: Android News

Rebel Android

Rebel Android. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

неділя, 27 квітня 2008 р.

Book #13

One of our allies, an unlikeable species with a very rigid caste system, needs a particular strain of sheep called Android's Dream, to complete a coronation ceremony. Only, someone has managed to kill every one of the sheep on the ...

Source: Android News

Rebel Android

Rebel Android.

Source: Android News

Google Android cell phone by the end of 2008

google_phone_ap.jpg]T-Mobile to carry Android phone by year’s end… A T-Mobile executive said Wednesday that the carrier will offer a Google ... device. Though it is a founding member of the Open Handset Alliance , as of December a ...

Source: Android News

Google Android cell phone by the end of 2008

At a wireless conference in Redwood City, Calif., Joe Sims, vice president and general manager of T-Mobile USA’s Broadband and new Business Division, said that he has seen prototypes of an Android handset, and that the first in a series ...

Source: Android News

Reply to Please help -- SX-70 just keeps whirring

ULTRA!android posted a reply:. I removed the plastic cover, put an empty battery pack in, and closed the cover to see what would happen. Turns out that the gears aren't spinning, so I don't know what's making the motor noise... my guess ...

Source: Android News

Android mobile phone operating system and SDK

Developer Robert Love spoke recently about the open source Android mobile phone operating system and SDK. He firmly believes the platform will deliver innovations in mobility. I don’t disagree, but will the industry truly adopt the ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to carry Android phone by year's end

A T-Mobile executive said Wednesday that the carrier will offer a Google Android cell phone by the end of 2008.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News


ANDROID 18 RARE DRAGONBALL Z FIGURE IRWIN ANDROIDS SAGA Price: $19.95 Bids: 1 End Time: -13997d -6h -11m. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Find resources and News to develop with the new Google mobile platform. Created by cduv on 12/21/2007 Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[3 new feeds] Bluetooth api ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, this has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News


ANDROID 18 RARE DRAGONBALL Z FIGURE IRWIN ANDROIDS SAGA Price: $19.95 Bids: 1 End Time: -13997d -6h -11m. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android Avalanche

The story the past couple of days had been over a quote from a T-Mobile representative claiming that Android-based phones due in the fourth quarter 2008 will bring about an “avalanche” of innovation. The source is CNN, and the expected ...

Source: Android News

Trade A300 F/O Trip 438 (TYS), 3May

Want to trade sweet TYS trip (6.0 CH) this Sat pm-Sun am (3-4May) for similar trip (day flying, max 6.0CH) last part of May. Check my calendar to see if doable–I can (hopefully) move RB days if needed to accomodate. ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Android Avalanche

The story the past couple of days had been over a quote from a T-Mobile representative claiming that Android-based phones due in the fourth quarter 2008 will bring about an “avalanche” of innovation. The source is CNN, and the expected ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, this has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA Getting an Android Smartphone by Year's End

An executive for T-Mobile USA says this wireless network operator will introduce an Android-based smartphone during the fourth quarter of this year. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Android Avalanche

The story the past couple of days had been over a quote from a T-Mobile representative claiming that Android-based phones due in the fourth quarter 2008 will bring about an “avalanche” of innovation. The source is CNN, and the expected ...

Source: Android News

NEW: TNG The Dichotomy of the Heart 10/? P/C

Once the android was gone, Jean-Luc sat for a while in thought before addressing his son. "Tobias it is clear you have a way with computers, however I cannot allow you to continue to disrupt the running of this ship. ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Android Avalanche

The story the past couple of days had been over a quote from a T-Mobile representative claiming that Android-based phones due in the fourth quarter 2008 will bring about an “avalanche” of innovation. The source is CNN, and the expected ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

SDK smackdown: Apple's iPhone SDK vs. Google's Android SDK

In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android,' Brad Reed reports for Network World. 'Now that Apple and Google are both openly courting third-party developers. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

SDK smackdown: Apple's iPhone SDK vs. Google's Android SDK

... current champion of the mobile phone market, the iPhone. In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android,' Brad Reed reports for Network World. 'Now that Apple and Google are both openly courting third-party developers.

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, this has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA Getting an Android Smartphone by Year's End

An executive for T-Mobile USA says this wireless network operator will introduce an Android-based smartphone during the fourth quarter of this year.

Source: Android News

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

... it ain’t so much of a stoner movie, but more of Please-Don’t-Hate-America movie with stoners in it. Through the political overtones, the movie still had its moments and there were adequate laughs to go around. The Android [...]

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News

Enkin - Combining Reallity and LBS

This project is a submission for the first round of the Google Android Developer Challenge and should not be considered a final product. If you want to learn about it in depth, please read our detailed documentation. ...

Source: Android News


ANDROID 18 RARE DRAGONBALL Z FIGURE IRWIN ANDROIDS SAGA Price: $19.95 Bids: 1 End Time: -13997d -6h -11m.

Source: Android News

[Philosophy] Sort of, what is life? Android? Artificial? Souls?

I almost put this in the RPG section. At what point can you declare that something has a "Soul"? Could Androids develop souls? How about a human brain in a mechanical body - would that being still have a soul?? Is it still alive? ...

Source: Android News

Android Avalanche

The story the past couple of days had been over a quote from a T-Mobile representative claiming that Android-based phones due in the fourth quarter 2008 will bring about an “avalanche” of innovation. The source is CNN, and the expected ...

Source: Android News

I wish that the United States was more like the pictures i draw

This android bear busker has a crazy steam powered, amplified accordion. I am not into buskers in general, but there is something pathetic & heart warming about this poor little android bear & his high-tech old world instrument. ...

Source: Android News

How do you log?

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. hi ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[11 new feeds] Re: Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Emulator Clock gives incorrect time Re: How to communicate between two android ...

Source: Android News


Auction Type: Auction, Auction End Time: 4/17/2008 11:08:00 AM(MST), Asking Price/Current Bid: $10.00, Number of Bids: 0, Description: , Traffic: 2. Gphone, Google Phone by unknown for Gphone release More...

Source: Android News

Cutting Emissions

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I’m very much in favour of cutting emissions but I found the headline of this article http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/light-bulbs-ban-to-slash-emissions/2007/02/19/1171733685061.html ...

Source: Android News

But For Love...Insurrection Pt 2 P/C NC-17

Beverly knew her daughter was worried about the android as they all were. Beverly laid the padd she had been studying on the desk and grasped the arms of the chair stopping Micki's movement. "Uncle Geordi is still examining Data, ...

Source: Android News

Finally, a social search engine for Starbucks!

The Apple iPhone and Google Android Applications are in private alpha and will begin to be rolled out to the public in public beta over the next 60 days. “We will be rolling out these apps to the public based on a first come, ...

Source: Android News

Android Machine

What a beast!

Source: Android News

субота, 26 квітня 2008 р.

Please help -- SX-70 just keeps whirring

ULTRA!android posted a new topic:. Hi All, I have the original model, and it's been working perfectly fine for about half a year. Today when I tried to take a picture (after not using it for a couple months), the shutter didn't do ...

Source: Android News

Woohoo! Avengers movie!

We will see how this pans out. I am curious as to who can play the android “Vision“. You know, it’sa fantasy of every woman to have an android: he can clean up the house, drive her around, and serve in the bedroom too.

Source: Android News

Alien Space Marine-BISHOP ANDROID-Near Mint

Time Left: 13h 59m , Price: 0.99 , Postage: 28.00, Bids: -

Source: Android News

There is no Symbian Series 40 (Android vs. The Feature-Phones)

In "Android vs. The Feature-Phones" it is written: "Symbian Series 40 commands a very large portion of the market ... " However, there.

Source: Android News

Carpool to GASP start in Austin

I'm looking for anybody in north Austin doing GASP to carpool with down to the Met Center on Sat...

Source: Android News

The iPhone SDK is BREW Part Deux

I will stand by my first-blush statement that the iPhone SDK is more polished and professional than the Android SDK. If you're looking to build a game or a way to access your interactive web app, you'll be very happy. ...

Source: Android News

Obama's Commercial (Last post on 04/26/2008 at 09:52 AM PDT)

Not sure if this is a repost or discussed in another thread (probably has been ad nauseum but I.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile and Google cozy up with Android

There is lots of buzz around the 'avalanche' of innovation around the open Android platform that T-Mobile hopes to bring to market later this year. CNN reports Joe Sims of T-Mobile said he has seen prototypes of the company's Android ...

Source: Android News

LG eyes new Prada, Google Android mobile phones

Please log in at the right top to access the article. Not a subscriber? We offer several different subscription options to access our news items. The subscriptions are priced based on the included archive access. ...

Source: Android News

File Upload

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. can java make a CGI or servlet/applet that can upload a file onto a server from a cliet ...

Source: Android News

Cutting Emissions

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I’m very much in favour of cutting emissions but I found the headline of this article http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/light-bulbs-ban-to-slash-emissions/2007/02/19/1171733685061.html ...

Source: Android News

Google Android To Go Head To Head With 3G iPhone?

According to T-Mobile’s VP, Joe Sims, the company plan to start shipping handsets based on the Google Android platform during the Q4 2008, having already seen prototypes of the Andrid powered phones, Sims was quotes as saying, ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile launching Android handset in US

Speaking at the Wireless Innovati0n 2008, T-Mobile USA VP Joe Sims said that they would be releasing a series of Android devices this yeat, but didn’t have any details about who would be manufacturing the handset. htcdream.jpg ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, that has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare Price: $2.13 Bids: 3 End Time: -13995d -21h -28m. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, that has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare Price: $2.13 Bids: 3 End Time: -13995d -21h -28m. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, that has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer discusses Google Android

Steve Ballmer speaks in Tokyo. He discusses Google’s mobile phone platform and Windows Mobile. Money quote: “Their efforts are just some words on paper right now.” ShareThis.

Source: Android News


I'm relieved that the Criminal Litigation MCT is done. It had some good questions and some weird ones. For instance, I don't think in my revision I even came across the information on who can 'stand by' jurors. Thanks to Google, I found ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing 'Avalanche'

Source: Android News

T-Mobile and Google cozy up with Android T-Mobile and Google cozy <b>...</b>

There is lots of buzz around the “avalanche” of innovation around the open Android platform that T-Mobile hopes to bring to market later this year. CNN reports Joe Sims of T-Mobile said he has seen prototypes of the company’s Android ...

Source: Android News

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare Price: $2.13 Bids: 3 End Time: -13995d -21h -28m. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

News - 2008.03.11 Late Edition

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Cadence Design Systems Acquires Chip Estimate Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS), the leader in global electronic design innovation, announced that it has acquired Chip Estimate ...

Source: Android News

Goodbye Osmosis

As some of you might already know, The Android has resigned from Osmosis and will be moving on to a bigger challenge elsewhere. 5 years. The Android has no idea what to feel… except that it has been challenging, frustrating, educational ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, that has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to ship 1st Android-Based handsets by End of 2008

While chances are good that someone will beat them to the punch, it looks like T-Mobile intends to come out swinging in the Android race. Following the initial launch, the company expects to implement the Linux-based OS across their ...

Source: Android News

Cutting Emissions

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I’m very much in favour of cutting emissions but I found the headline of this article http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/light-bulbs-ban-to-slash-emissions/2007/02/19/1171733685061.html ...

Source: Android News

пʼятниця, 25 квітня 2008 р.

T-Mobile launching Android handset in US

Speaking at the Wireless Innovati0n 2008, T-Mobile USA VP Joe Sims said that they would be releasing a series of Android devices this yeat, but didn’t have any details about who would be manufacturing the handset. htcdream.jpg ...

Source: Android News

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare

HorrorClix Nightmares ANDROID #035 rare Price: $2.13 Bids: 3 End Time: -13995d -21h -28m.

Source: Android News

SDK Showdown: Apple IPhone vs. Google Android

In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android. While the iPhone has without a doubt been the big success story of the past year in the mobile phone world, many other companies are planning to release similar devices ...

Source: Android News


Because I'm a sheep... and all that kinda stuff... From [info] beckwah Comment and I'll... 1. Tell you why I friended you. 2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, etc. 3. Tell you something I like about you. ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Serial Port Programming

I did this for an early protoype that hooked Android up to an actual GPS > device. You can do this by creating a separate process using that reads from > the COM port and then communicates COM port info to Android over HTTP ...

Source: Android News

SDK Showdown: Apple IPhone vs. Google Android

In this corner: the current champion of the mobile phone market, the iPhone. In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android. read more | digg story.

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, that has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

MS Office Docs Edited on Android

While there aren’t any Android handsets available in the market just yet, this has not stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the soon-to-be-released smartphone platform. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA to Launch an Android-based Phone in Q4 2008

Vice President and General Manager of T-Mobile's Broadband and New Business Division, Joe Sims announced that by the end of the year the carrier will release at least one Android-based phone. He also stated that eventually there will be ...

Source: Android News

Would You Buy an Android Phone?

As the anticipation for new cell phone platform Android grows, many cell phone makers are rumored to be the first one to introduce a phone with the Google operating system. T-Mobile is the latest, promising an Android phone by the end ...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Tags:Android, Development, Google Saved on Technology>Programming Updates: 2.-Google Android Community[27 new feeds] Re: The entire lifetime of an activity and static variables Re: How android can i work with MAP in android ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to carry Android phone by year's end

Cnet is reporting that a T-Mobile executive said Wednesday that the carrier will offer a Google Android cell phone by the end of 2008. At a wireless conference in Redwood City, Calif., Joe Sims, vice president and general manager of ...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice on Android

Quickoffice have ported their top-selling mobile office application to Android.

Source: Android News

Slideshow: Editing MS Office on Android with Quickoffice

Sure, there are no Google Android phones yet. But that hasn't stopped the folks at QuickOffice from writing a Microsoft Office compatible editing suite for the upcoming smart phone platform. QuickOffice for Android supports Word, ...

Source: Android News

LG eyes new Prada, Google Android mobile phones

... Chang Ma, said that talks with Prada were ongoing and that LG 'would go for it' if an agreement can be reached. Ma said that LG would also look to launch a handset based on the Google Android mobile phone operating system.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile and …. Android?

Joe Sims, VP and general manager of T-Mobile broadband, recently said at a conference that he had seen early versions of the forthcoming Android-based phone. He said that T-Mobile is on track to ship them by the fourth quarter of this ...

Source: Android News

Quickoffice for Android Ready to Roll

Quickoffice has announced an Android based package of software that allows for editing MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Also part of the software is the ability to access documents through Google Docs and as well as those stored ...

Source: Android News

QuickOffice For Android Revealed

QuickOffice have revealed a version of it’s Microsoft Office editing software for the Android platform. QuickOffice for Android will allow users to edit various Microsoft Office documents including Word, Excel and Powerpoint. ...

Source: Android News

Display Locations on Your Android Camera Phone

Aaron Bodbyl-Mast writes "Bruce Sterling highlights an intriguing app being developed for the Google Android Developer Challenge. The video provides a nice demonstration of the app, as well as a description of future plans for the ...

Source: Android News

News about Android Platform

Qualcomm, wireless telecommunications company, member of the Open Handset Alliance is going to be the biggest chips supplier for Android-powered devices. They are going to push out more than five Android mobiles that should offer ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm helps with half a dozen Android mobiles

No one is sure of the extent of the hardware onslaught we’ll be seeing once the Android software spec hardens, but what can be safely said is at least six android based mobile handsets will e appearing over the next 18 months or so. ...

Source: Android News

SDK showdown: iPhone vs. Android

Google said in November that it developed Android to spur innovation among developers to create applications for mobile phones that wouldn't be exclusive to particular carriers or devices. In contrast to the iPhone, which developers ...

Source: Android News

No more Android blogging here

that doesn’t means I’ll never blog about Android To find more useful links, posts and code please go to www.infoandroid.com. That will be the place where I’ll blog about Android in the future. Thank you.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing ‘Avalanche’

s (GOOG) open Android platform later this year, wireless carriers are expecting an avalanche of innovation from users - and radical changes to what customers expect and demand. But some disagree on where start-ups should focus their ...

Source: Android News

The 27 Club poster + promotional stills

Photobucket Synopsis (from the website): When you’re dead, you’re gone. You exist only in the minds of those you leave behind. You become a fragment of a story; a beginning, middle or end. Tom is dead. Elliot has been left behind. ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: failure to connect to database

Probably not part of Android > because I doubt they expect people to be doing this (I agree with > Charlie on why). I don't know why you don't have a choice, but I'll > say it looks like a bad design if someone has restricted you to ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm To Launch At Least 5 Android Phones

Qualcomm is throwing its weight behind the Android platform where smartphones are concerned, aiming to release at least five Android-powered handsets by 2009. This makes perfect sense (especially financially) since Qualcomm's chipsets ...

Source: Android News

Android Could Bring Augmented Reality Closer

Enkin, an app developed as part of Google’s Android Developer’s Challenge, promises to allow your Android-enabled device to combine environmental information (including GPS, video, motion detection, directional information, live maps, ...

Source: Android News

T Mobile to offer Android!

EXCELLENT! It looks like T-Mo is going to offer an Android phone by the end of the year. Nice! I like T-Mo. They're a cheap date and get the job done. Looks like it'll come out in Q4.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA aims to launch Google Android mobile phone this year

T-Mobile USA has said that they are aiming to launch their first Google Android powered mobile device in the market before the end of the year. Joe Sims, vice president and general manager of T-Mobiles broadband and new business ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile promises Android Before 2008 is Over

T-Mobile might not be first off the blocks offering an Android-based handset, but it has promised that one such handset will be available before Q4 2008 is over. Everything else about the Android-powered handset is still hush hush, ...

Source: Android News

Android VOIP?

What's to keep android phones from running VOIP over a data network? If it is their method of app distribution, couldn't that be swapped out as well? If not, open source software is easily modified. It's just a thought, but...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Updating the view from an external thread

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

четвер, 24 квітня 2008 р.

Qualcomm throwing down with no less than 5 Android handsets this year

Handset manufacturers are scrambling to get their wares mated to Google's Linux-based Android OS, and it looks like Qualcomm's lending a helping hand. The chip-making giant has announced that it's hooked up with several OEMs looking to ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to offer Google Android phone this year

There are no details available about the phone itself although a number of major manufacturers including Motorola, HTC, Samsung and LG are members of the Open Handset Alliance and are expected to create phone that run Android. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile says an Android device is coming in time for the holidays

While we’re sure that Google’s Android platform will be loaded on a bunch of new devices some time in the near future, we still haven’t heard of any manufacturer or handset maker announce when they will release something officially. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to launch first Android phone this year

No, not the one that details the 3G launch, the one that they will indeed release an Android phone in Q4 of this year. T-Mobile is the first major US carrier who is a member of the Open Handset Alliance to put an actual launch time ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm throwing down with no less than 5 Android handsets this year

Handset manufacturers are scrambling to get their wares mated to Google's Linux-based Android OS, and it looks like Qualcomm's lending a helping hand. The chip-making giant has announced that it's hooked up with several OEMs looking to ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone by End of Year!

In a CNN Money article, VP of T-Mobile’s Broadband and New Business Unit commented on Android: “I’m impressed,” he said. “We will have more than one product…(The move to an open platform) will be innovation across the board, ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile to carry Android phone by year’s end

A T-Mobile executive said yesterday that the carrier will offer a Google Android cell phones by the end of 2008. At a wireless conference in Redwood City, Calif., Joe Sims, VP and General Manager of T-Mobile USA’s Broadband and New ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile and Qualcomm Commit to Open Handset Alliance, Android Devices

During the Wireless Innovations 2008 conference, T-Mobile USA vice president and general manager of the broadband and new business division Joe Sims has confirmed that the carrier’s first device based on the Google developed platform ...

Source: Android News

Get You Android Game On

Mobile Applications aren’t the only hope bestowed upon the Champion of Open Mobile OS, Android. In fact, the whole thing sounds a bit serious. So to lighten things up we want to remind you that Open and Games play very, ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA’s Android powered device to arrive by year’s end

Joe Sims, VP and General Manager of T-Mobile’s Broadband and New Business Division has confirmed that their company’s very first Android-powered device will be shipping out by the last quarter of this year, and that there will be more ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA ships Google Android this year, expected avalanche

Deutsche Telekom AG’s T-Mobile USA Inc ships I’s first mobile handset built on Google Inc’s open Android platform (GOOG) sometime later this year. Wireless carriers are expecting and avalanches of innovation to come from users, ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA Getting an Android Smartphone by Year's End

An executive for T-Mobile USA says this wireless network operator will introduce an Android-based smartphone during the fourth quarter of this year.

Source: Android News

HTC Dream to be first T-Mobile Android phone?

T-Mobile USA expects to carry at least one phone based on Google's Android platform by the end of the year -- and may start with the HTC Dream, according to sources. Company broadband head Joe Sims s...

Source: Android News

Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers

Mobile browsers are really grown up, and it’sa clear symptom of this the fact that W3C published a Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers. You can simply launch test page within your mobile browser and you’ll get visual feedbacks about ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile USA aims to launch Google Android mobile phone this year

T-Mobile USA has said that they are aiming to launch their first Google Android powered mobile device in the market before the end of the year. Joe Sims, vice president and general manager of T-Mobile’s broadband and new business ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Confirms Google Android Phones In 4Q2008

On the other hand I’ve been impressed by the previews of Android, and it already has more industry support than Palm OS - before it even releases. I’ve tried Windows Mobile and Symbian S60, but frankly I’d rather stick with even ragged ...

Source: Android News

SDK showdown: iPhone vs. Android

In this corner: the current champion of the mobile phone market, the iPhone. In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android.

Source: Android News

SDK showdown: iPhone vs. Android

Some of the more intriguing competitors for the iPhone will be devices powered by Android, Google’s open source mobile platform.

Source: Android News

SDK showdown: iPhone vs. Android

Some of the more intriguing competitors for the iPhone will be devices powered by Android, Google’s open source mobile platform. Original post by How-To Wiki.

Source: Android News

T-Mobile promises Android Before 2008 is Over

T-Mobile might not be first off the blocks offering an Android-based handset, but it has promised that one such handset will be available before Q4 2008 is by. Everything else about the Android-powered handset is still hush hush, ...

Source: Android News

A hostess holds a prototype of the Google Android mobile by …

(Reuters) - A hostess holds a prototype of the Google Android mobile by British chip designer ARM during the Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM World Congress) in Barcelona, February 11, 2008. (Albert Gea/Reuters)

Source: Android News

SDK Showdown: Apple IPhone vs. Google Android

... current champion of the mobile phone market, the iPhone. In the other corner: a scrappy open source challenger, Android. While the iPhone has without a doubt been the big success story of the past year in the mobile phone world, many.

Source: Android News

SDK showdown: iPhone vs. Android

Google said in November that it developed Android to spur innovation among developers to create applications for mobile phones that wouldn't be exclusive to particular carriers or devices. In contrast to the iPhone, which developers ...

Source: Android News

SDK Showdown: Apple IPhone vs. Google Android

In this corner: the current champion of the mobile phone market, the iPhone. In the other corner: a scrappy open source...

Source: Android News

Opera Mini for Android!

Hi All, I was just going through many sites and came to a halt where i found that Opera has developed its new version of browser for the upcoming OS for mobile Android from Google. The version they have developed is just a one which ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing ‘Avalanche’ (CNN)

T-Mobile Android Phone Release Seen Bringing ‘Avalanche’ — SAN FRANCISCO -(Dow Jones)- With Deutsche Telekom AG's (DT) T-Mobile USA Inc. preparing to ship out its first cellphones built on Google Inc.'s (GOOG) open Android platform ...

Source: Android News

Google's Android Closer To Reality?

Now, with Google's Android platform even closer to reality, developers could find themselves with a new, open source mobile platform to develop apps for (both native and web-based), if the Open Handset Alliance becomes as revolutionary ...

Source: Android News

Android-based phones coming to T-Mobile this year

T-Mobile has confirmed that it will be carrying cell phones running Google’s new Android operating system later this year, likely making it the first carrier to have Android-based phones. Joe Sims, vice president and general manager of ...

Source: Android News

середа, 23 квітня 2008 р.

T-Mobile confirms it’ll have an Android device sometime this year

Speaking at the Wireless Innovations 2008 conference, T-Mo's VP of broadband and new business division Joe Sims said he'd played with an early version of T-Mobile's first Android phone and that it would ship in the fourth quarter of ...

Source: Android News

Android Confirmed!!

SAN FRANCISCO -(Dow Jones)- With Deutsche Telekom AG's (DT) T-Mobile USA Inc. preparing to ship out its first cellphones built on Google Inc.'s (GOOG) open Android platform later this year, wireless carriers are expecting an avalanche ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile promises Android handset by Q4 of this year

While chances are good that someone will beat them to the punch, it looks like T-Mobile intends to come out swinging in the Android race. The company has just announced that it plans to ship its first Android-based handsets by the end ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile confirms it'll have an Android device sometime this year

The first Android devices were always scheduled to arrive later this year, and while we've already seen a couple prototypes and hacked ports floating around, it looks like T-Mobile is the first out of the gate to confirm that it'll have ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm helping out with a handful of Android handsets

While we still don't know the full extent of the hardware onslaught we'll see once the Android software spec solidifies, we can now safely say there'll be at least six coming in the next year and a half or so. ...

Source: Android News

T-Mobile is to release Android Phone - ‘Avalanche’ later this year

Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA preparing to ship out its first cellphones built on Google’s open Android platform later this year, wireless carriers are expecting an avalanche of innovation from users - and radical changes to what ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm: Five Android Powered Handsets Expected To Ship In 12-18 <b>...</b>

Comparisons between the features of iPhone and Android were also touched upon with Choudhury stating that the Android phones will have similar features to the Apple iPhone but at prices closer to mass market feature phones. ...

Source: Android News

Android...Applications and Handsets are Coming

One of my 2008 predictions was that the Google backed Android open handset platform would be well received in the industry. I gave a lot of reasons why. A lot of industry experts have taken the other side of the bet. ...

Source: Android News

Mages Chess

Mages is multiplayer client/server game engine for Android and other mobile devices (currently Android and J2ME devices are supported, development for Windows Mobile in the progress). It allows developers to create internet multiplayer ...

Source: Android News

Mages - Multiplayer Android Game Engine (with multi-player chess <b>...</b>

Mages is multiplayer client/server game engine for Android and other mobile devices (currently Android and J2ME devices are supported, development for Windows Mobile in the progress). It allows developers to create internet multiplayer ...

Source: Android News

AC Interview: Enkin Developers

It actually began with the wish to enter the Google Android Developer Challenge. We looked at the different features of the SDK and pretty soon the concept of combining 3D graphics, GPS, and the orientation sensors emerged. ...

Source: Android News

WiFi Army: Big Gaming With Google Android

Mobile Mag points us to a video clip of a ARG game concept that will run on phones with Google Android technology. WiFi Army comes from W2PI studio who call themselves an underground entertainment company. With the game, you can run ...

Source: Android News

The New Term.

I've only just had my first Chancery 'lecture' today (we only have 9 people doing the option), and already I am traumatised. Firstly, my new syndicate room is on the sunny side (we have floor-to-ceiling glass windows => hot), ...

Source: Android News

Qualcomm Working with OEMs on More Than Five Android Handsets

One of the first companies to actually show Android running, Qualcomm, is expecting to ship phones over the next 12-18 months. Sayeed Choudhury, a product manager for systems software, says that Android phones will have features similar ...

Source: Android News

Developer Spotlight Series: #10

The experience of writing for android was unlike any other. The challenge made it more interesting, interacting with other developers in the IRC and mailing list and getting a feel for the platform as a whole. ...

Source: Android News

Come on, Android

Bring this concept app to market. I especially like the little 360-degree view indicator in the top right corner, which reminds me of Battlezone. Enkin: navigation reinvented. Blogged with the Flock Browser.

Source: Android News

Interview: Enkin, augmented reality for Google’s Android

If you would like to know more about them, what they think about Google’s Android and where they see location based services heading in the future then continue reading after the [...]

Source: Android News

Android updates

Take a look at the detail timeline of Android updates. HTC Dream Headset with Android OS sounds pretty good. There is a lot of submission for the Android Developers Chellenge, 1788 to be exact and I can't wait for the result to be out ...

Source: Android News

Android vs GSM

yet take a look into radio log, there are lots of interesting thing. Here is what i got : ^DRILJ Connected to radio-interface socket ^CRILJ [UNSL]...

Source: Android News

Developing with Google Android

Google Android Community[15 new feeds] Re: Any hits ? Re: ListView with different images for each line ListView with different images for each line Re: Updating the UI via IPC, Handler runs on the wrong thread ...

Source: Android News

Interview: Enkin, augmented reality for Google’s Android

Max: The Android Developer Challenge was certainly a large factor. But also, other platforms simply lack some of the tools we used in Enkin, like sensor interfaces, a positioning system, or an open maps application. ...

Source: Android News

Interview: Enkin, augmented reality for Google’s Android

Max: The Android Developer Challenge was certainly a big factor. But also, other platforms simply lack some of the tools we used in Enkin, like sensor interfaces, a positioning system, or an open maps application. ...

Source: Android News

Android Mobility: Open Source Hits the Road

Learn to leverage Android's powerful APIs to rapidly create sophisticated applications for media, data storage, and networking.

Source: Android News

Any adjustment on PT SL preload?

I built up my PT hub and have ridden it for about a week. It was super smooth when I put it on the...

Source: Android News

Android Developer challenge

Myself with few of my friends worked on the prototype version of a mobile application that we submitted for the Android Developer challenge. If you are reading this, I'd surely appreciate your feedback on this app. ...

Source: Android News

Android: The Games

But let's focus on what's really important: which games you'll be able to play on an Android handset. TalkAndroid.com offers a peek at six games in development, including Wi-Fi Army, a multiplayer FPS that sounds pretty wild--you shoot ...

Source: Android News

NYCC 2008: Android 8

Android 8 was displaying an interesting line of art toys called the Midigang (from Glen Lieberman). While there aren't many details out there now, we'll get them to you as information is released. ...

Source: Android News

вівторок, 22 квітня 2008 р.

Android: The Games

But let's focus on what's really important: which games you'll be able to play on an Android handset. TalkAndroid.com offers a peek at six games in development, including Wi-Fi Army, a multiplayer FPS that sounds pretty wild--you shoot ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: updating proximity alerts

DEBUG/LocationManager(715): addProximityAlert: latitude = 37.461734, longitude = -122.144394, radius = 305.0, expiration = 10000000, intent = Intent { action=android.intent.action.PROXIMITY_ALERT extras=Bundle[{_id=1}] } . ...

Source: Android News

Android en Z6???

Será posible correr Android en un Z6, o cambiar el so del Z6???:zap:. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Android+Sprint+existing phones?

Ok: Eventually Android will come to Sprint phones...since Sprint is part of the OHA. My question turns to whether or not existing Sprint phones will be able to take advantage of the Android OS. OR...are we looking at NEW handsets . ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: updating proximity alerts

DEBUG/LocationManager(715): addProximityAlert: latitude = 37.461734, longitude = -122.144394, radius = 305.0, expiration = 10000000, intent = Intent { action=android.intent.action.PROXIMITY_ALERT extras=Bundle[{_id=1}] } . ...

Source: Android News

Android en Z6???

Será posible correr Android en un Z6, o cambiar el so del Z6???:zap:. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. ...

Source: Android News

Android+Sprint+existing phones?

Ok: Eventually Android will come to Sprint phones...since Sprint is part of the OHA. My question turns to whether or not existing Sprint phones will be able to take advantage of the Android OS. OR...are we looking at NEW handsets . ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: updating proximity alerts

DEBUG/LocationManager(715): addProximityAlert: latitude = 37.461734, longitude = -122.144394, radius = 305.0, expiration = 10000000, intent = Intent { action=android.intent.action.PROXIMITY_ALERT extras=Bundle[{_id=1}] } . ...

Source: Android News

Android en Z6???

Será posible correr Android en un Z6, o cambiar el so del Z6???:zap:. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android+Sprint+existing phones?

Ok: Eventually Android will come to Sprint phones...since Sprint is part of the OHA. My question turns to whether or not existing Sprint phones will be able to take advantage of the Android OS. OR...are we looking at NEW handsets . ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: updating proximity alerts

DEBUG/LocationManager(715): addProximityAlert: latitude = 37.461734, longitude = -122.144394, radius = 305.0, expiration = 10000000, intent = Intent { action=android.intent.action.PROXIMITY_ALERT extras=Bundle[{_id=1}] } . ...

Source: Android News