понеділок, 31 березня 2008 р.

[android-developers] Re: Adding browser supported types

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

OpenGoogle - tweak your own algorithm

Google System - After launching OpenSocial and creating the Open Handset Alliance, Google prepares to launch a platform that opens its most valuable service: the web search engine. The project, dubbed as OpenGoogle, will allow anyone to ...

Source: Android News

LiMo Foundation Mobile OS is ready

One of the big competitors to Google Android in the Mobile Linux Colosseum is the LiMo Foundation, ... Android, the LiMo foundation has over 30 members, including Open Handset Alliance members Motorola ... 1 at the CTIA show in Las ...

Source: Android News

F2C: Open mobile and wireless

Rich Miner Google Android. Group manager mobile products. Open handset alliance of 34 partners to help build Android, an open handset platform, based ... are closed, and even the ' open ' OSs are closed, like Symbian or Mobile Windows. ...

Source: Android News

How To: Use XML to build RSS Reader in Android

Interested in building a RSS Reader for Android but don't know where to start? IBM has a pretty good tutorial on how to achieve that on that their developer works Web Page. you will be required to register before you can download the ...

Source: Android News

Google and Apple battle for developers

It comes at no surprise why Google And Apple are throwing millions of dollars at developers to make innovative applications for both of their mobile offerings (Android and iPhone) If it so happens that you have been living under a rock ...

Source: Android News

A Singaporean in London

I haven't seen many blogs about England before, in fact this is the first I know. A Singaporean in London is about exactly this, a Singaporean who lives in London and write about this place and other places in England, but with the help ...

Source: Android News

F2C: Open mobile and wireless

Google Android. Group manager mobile products. Open handset alliance of 34 partners to help build Android, an open handset platform, based on Linux and write programs. Also third party dev environment, along with $10m competition to ...

Source: Android News

Dr Who: Refresher Course 1.01

KAMELION was a jive-talking android. - K-9 was a jive-talking android dog. 9) WHO WERE THE FOES? Dr Who has faced many evil creatures in his time, usually derived from common or garden creatures and implements such as slugs, birds, ...

Source: Android News

LiMo Foundation Mobile OS is ready

One of the big competitors to Google Android in the Mobile Linux Colosseum is the LiMo Foundation, they have been making airwaves long before Android was announced and it is surprising they have yet to impress. ...

Source: Android News

F2C, part 3

Rich Miner, Google: Talking about Android, an open development platform for mobile application. "There is a stifling on innovation in the mobile space... because the ecosystem is a closed one. If you're trying to invent... ...

Source: Android News

New @ MAKE -- Make Robotics Workshop: Humanoids

Nothing says "robot" like an android. So lets make one of our own! This course will take you through the steps of building your own android. You'll leave with a working, foot tall programmable android! You can use it for kung-fu matches ...

Source: Android News

Cellular’s brave “meh” world: CTIA 2008 predictions

Say what you want about “emulators” and “small Chinese men in slacks,” but Android isn’t ready for prime time. You’ll see a few promising prototypes this year but you don’t embed and sell a phone with an untested operating system until ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Adding browser supported types

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

The Stages

Product Development The first and foremost thing is have to your product. It is assumed that market research has been done, competitors have been figured out and the revenue generation module has been thought of and well surveyed. ...

Source: Android News

How to Sort using Multiple Attributes?

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Hi, ...

Source: Android News

eBook Android : 60 pages pour appréhender <b>Android</b>

La communauté Anddev.org ne cesse d’innover puisque peu après avoir lancé un concours de tutoriaux Android à l’issu duquel on peut gagner des T-shirts Anddev, voilà qu’elle sort un livre numérique traitant du développement sous Android. ...

Source: Android News

New @ MAKE -- Make Robotics Workshop: Humanoids

Nothing says robot like an android. So lets make one of our own! This course will take you through the steps of building your own android.

Source: Android News

MyEclipse Delivers Tools to IntelliJ IDEA Users

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. MyEclipse is proud to announce immediate availability of the popular SNAPs tools to users of IntelliJ IDEA via “Use-Anywhere” connectors. Developers using IDEA are now able to utilize the ...

Source: Android News

Skeleton Arguments in Person.

Why does advocacy have to be so hard on the BVC, when cases in real life are won with skeleton arguments (and witness statements) such as these ones? What's the point of having the CPR written in simple language, if litigants in person ...

Source: Android News

Android TNS & Ant basics

T o day i have learned about TNS android & ant basics. when i am givinig the relation and TNS ID it will show error has no message. when we are registering the new user sometimes the database unable to show the previous user's list.when ...

Source: Android News

Java Date / Time zone issue / UTC to BST conversion problem

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Hello, ...

Source: Android News

Anatomy of an Android Application

Google Anatomy of an Android Application.

Source: Android News


Armadillo-500によるAndroidデモ; Androidが今後業界に与えそうな影響; (Armadillo-500にその場でAndroidをポーティング※持参した方がおられた場合); 質疑応答他、参加者間での情報共有タイム. #途中で休憩10分くらい挟もうと思います。 ...

Source: Android News

Android va-t-il croquer la pomme ?

C’est la question que tout le monde se pose actuellement. Android va t-il détrôner Apple et son Iphone ? C’est dans un article rédigé par Clément Frey sur son blog qu’il énumère les 5 raisons qui feront le succès d’Android et 5 raisons ...

Source: Android News

MyEclipse Delivers Tools to IntelliJ IDEA Users

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. MyEclipse is proud to announce immediate availability of the popular SNAPs tools to users of IntelliJ IDEA via “Use-Anywhere” connectors. Developers using IDEA are now able to utilize the ...

Source: Android News

CoLD SToRAGE - New Album Released

Tim Wright (aka CoLD SToRAGE) whom many of you may already know as I’ve mentioned his music several times on this site, has just released his latest album called Android Child. I loved his last album MELT with many of those tracks ...

Source: Android News

FireFox ne sera pas disponible sur Android ni sur Iphone

Alors que l’Iphone est le téléphone le plus convoité du moment, et que la plateforme Android est désignée comme le concurrent futur d’Apple, Mike Schroepfer, vice président de Mozilla, annonce que le navigateur FireFox ne sera pas ...

Source: Android News

Date formatting issue

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I'm building JSf page but my question is date formatting. here is sample code ...

Source: Android News

Me and the devil

I don't really have an answer, or any logical reasoning. But I've been playing Delta Blues albums on repeat all evening, why this evening? I don't really know, I have a feeling that this might be the start of something. ...

Source: Android News

Progress on Verdis Android

My android project is all coming together, along with setting up a Windows Subversion server with WAMP on my home computer to save money. It’s been a rough job due to time circumstances. But progress is making way. ...

Source: Android News

MyEclipse Delivers Tools to IntelliJ IDEA Users

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. MyEclipse is proud to announce immediate availability of the popular SNAPs tools to users of IntelliJ IDEA via “Use-Anywhere” connectors. Developers using IDEA are now able to utilize the ...

Source: Android News

Tutorial harnesses Android for XML, RSS

IBM's DeveloperWorks has published a tutorial on using the Eclipse-based developer tools for Google's Android mobile phone platform to work with XML. Frank Abelson's latest exploration of Linux-based Android platform shows how to use ...

Source: Android News

Il punto su Android

Con un video, la celebre testata online Punto Informatico riepiloga la situazione del mercato della telefonia tra Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone ed Android. Veramente molto interessante: ecco la pagina del video.

Source: Android News

неділя, 30 березня 2008 р.

Google Summer of Code and Android Dev Challenge

I wanted to take part in the GSoC adventure and also had I little idea for an Android app. Of course I doubt it would receive as much as $25k but anyway I wanted to show it to someone that actually has resources to turn it into usable ...

Source: Android News


昨日、やっと五日間に及ぶ講習会が終わりました!´▽`* いやー、94時間ぶりに外に出ました。まだまだ寒いですよ。 電車に揺られ街中に戻り、島に帰る友達を見送り、チェックインしてデパ地下のお弁当を食べた後は街中をぶらぶら。 ...

Source: Android News

well it's true.

VERBS ARE OVERRATED. adjectives are where it's @.

Source: Android News

Sprite comix #1: Mario and the Android.

Introducing sprite comix. A new feature of nintendowow.com. Expect a new one each week. Enjoy #1.

Source: Android News

Snow Rally Canada

Snow Rally Canada firmy OmniGSoft, to gra rajdowa w której poprowadzimy samochód w jednej z siedmiu scenerii kanadyjskich bezdroży, które zostały odtworzone w niesamowitych detalach. Do innych zalet Snow Rally Canada można zaliczyć ...

Source: Android News


Especially for House MD fans - the main theme.

Source: Android News

Maquina Autopoietica.

Tengo esa idea de que somos una gran célula autopoietica, capaces de interactuar con el medio, pero sin perturbar nuestro sistema interno. Destruimos o creamos según nuestras necesidades, sin alterar nuestra armonía. ...

Source: Android News

Radiohead - Paranoid Android

Radiohead es un grupo inglés de rock alternativo. El quinteto, formado por un grupo de amigos de colegio en 1985, sacó su primer sencillo, "Creep" (1992), del álbum debut de la banda Pablo Honey (1993), el cual se convirtió en su mayor ...

Source: Android News

Laptop, dizüstü, notebook, taşınabilir bilgisayarlar…

1000laptoplar1.jpg İnternet’te dolaşırken türlü türlü sıfatlarıyla karşılaşabileceğiniz bu cihazların ortak özellikleri, şarj ihtiyaçları dışında sizi her türlü kablodan, dolayısıyla sabitlikten kurtarması. Mobil hayata büyük bir adım ...

Source: Android News

AC's Top 10 Week in Review, March 24-29

NTT DoCoMo to introduce Android by 2010 9. Linux applications on Windows 8. Wndows Mobile and Symbian threat forced Google's Hand 7. Sprint WiMax Network Nationwide idea revived 6. Security solution for Android ...

Source: Android News

ºC-ute - Koero! Rakuten Eagles (PV)

Well, I like it so much, the uniforms are awesome and the dance is absolute cute, the music is cheering and every girl look amazing in this video. I hope they'll have more PV's like this in the future. Technorati: ºC-ute,Morning Musume ...

Source: Android News

My Entrecard Status

I wanted to write about Entrecard since some time ago, but I had no time. The last time I write about my Entrecard status I was in the top 30 of popular entrecarders, then I was out, and now I'm in again. ...

Source: Android News


今日はバンドメンバーの学校のライブを観てきました。 固体ヘビみたいな感じに潜入して変装して紛れ込んできました。 全体のレベルとしては自分の学校より高かったですね〜。 結構気になるストラトプレイヤーがいたので燃えました。 ...

Source: Android News


演技のような雨が降るRAPERAIN繋がるTRAINhomeにはLASTNightのcarnivalの形相が鏤められた傷だらけの少年少女の騎兵隊、近付く妖気のような妖艶な恥骨のboomerangが飛び交うのだ受精のようにトキメクのだ何度もtrenchcoatの誘発剤に示す値が三叉の ...

Source: Android News

Geeky Sunday

Today, I dug deeper than I had previously into Google's current buzz-project, Android. Android is a software development kit (SDK, yo) developed by those Google-guys for programming applications for smart phones. ...

Source: Android News

Learning some tricks

... and using that as their primary development workstation. When I tell those friends they should try developing for the BlackBerry they ask “You mean I’d have to install Windows? No way” and then they go off and play with Android.

Source: Android News


何故発表がリリース直前なのかという疑問は残るが。 まぁ、ネタ探しに御執心なマスコミが空気も読まずに流したとも考えられるし(特に入籍) そうでないとも言える。 向こうの事務所、大手らしいし…。 でも、「空気読めないからそういうファンがいるのは ...

Source: Android News


そうすれば色々楽だろうね。 未だ追加に対して未練タラタラな自分がやだ。 醜い姿ですよ。 学生はいいなんてそんなの嘘だ。 一番制限があって、一番金が無い。 金はあっても自由には使えない。 なんでも自由に使ってるやつは親不孝ってもんだ。 あーあ。 ...

Source: Android News


どうか末永くお幸せに。 …でも真っピンクのタキシードだけは勘弁してくれ…!!((((((゚Д゚;)))))ガタガタガタ …「TOUR 2008 L'7〜Trans ASIA via PARIS〜」でtetsuさんに「おめでとう」と言う空気読まない上に周りへの配慮 ...

Source: Android News

Tonight (continued)

Hmmmm, soooo the more I drink with her the more we become better fiends. Its amazing the effect of alchohol has on people...oh well. I'll be back! Muahaha!! :D Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

Source: Android News

No Gphone

Android is not Gphone, but a software platform by Google that may facilitate other phone makers and carriers to bring a phone to the masses using the newly allocated frequency spectrum. Google wants to be able to use some of the newly ...

Source: Android News

Türbanoid Android

Mailime gelmişti böyle bir resim bir ara. Bobilerde gezerken gördüm , yorumlarınızı bekliyoruz xD.

Source: Android News


слова неживые. весь смысл в том, чтобы дышать. у стен есть память. но вся реальность в твоей голове.

Source: Android News


... カードお得情報局 パスモ ヒコザルの涙イオンカード東急など5社が小悪魔な女になる今日の気になるキーワード 岡田有希子 栗田桃子 蟹江一平 有村実樹 大丸 英検 IKKO 愛の迷宮 郵便番号 ちりとてちん ちょっと> Androidをしらべ検索急上昇中! ...

Source: Android News

RIA on the mobile phones and small devices

Google Android. Google has realized the need for a standardization on the mobile jungle, and came out with it’s Android, a platform designed to give the power to the developer. Here is a good explanation of the Android platform and what ...

Source: Android News


火影VSおろち丸+初代二代目火影! ここは見たことなかったから凄いワクワクしながら見てしまいましたw おろち丸きもかわいい(^p^) なんか凄い動くし細かい表情とかあるなぁと思ってこの39000 sea miles の試合は3年に一回で、10が月間内に、全世界の12個 ...

Source: Android News

Attempting to make a Law of Sines program

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Okay, so I've been making my own Law of Sines program (just because I can) and I've noticed something: Java seems to be automatically "set" to calculate on a radian "mode". ...

Source: Android News

On Ghosts and Science

(Ghosts) contain no matter and have no energy and therefore according to the laws of science do not exist except in people's minds. Of course the laws of science contain no matter and have no energy either and therefore do not exist ...

Source: Android News


tang aa chuke hain gham-e-zindagi se hum thukra na dein jahan ko kahin bedili mein hum denge wohi jo payenge is zindagi se hum denge wohi jo payenge is zindagi se hum ubharenge ek bar abhi dil ke walwale ...

Source: Android News


m・Nで代行運転の車が飲酒運転の車と衝突して代行運転側の2人が亡くなったってニュースを見たけどさ… 理不尽で皮肉な事件だよ。 なんで代行頼んでた方が死んで、飲酒運転の阿呆が生きてんだよ。 飲酒運転が故意じゃないなんて事ありえないだろ? ...

Source: Android News

MyEclipse Delivers Tools to IntelliJ IDEA Users

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. MyEclipse is proud to announce immediate availability of the popular SNAPs tools to users of IntelliJ IDEA via “Use-Anywhere” connectors. Developers using IDEA are now able to utilize the ...

Source: Android News


Today I woke up and wanted to make pancakes for breakfast. First I decided to shower. Then I noticed what a mess my room was. I decided to take care of that after I ate. I went into my kitchen nook and was dismayed at the mess I found ...

Source: Android News

Majin Buu Flipbook

... animator who draws everything by hand, this isn’t much different. Technorati Tags: dbz, dragonball z, flipbook, majin buu. Other posts you may like:. The Ginyu Force Theme Song; Gohan vs Android 17 & Android 18; Lucky Star, DBZ style.

Source: Android News

субота, 29 березня 2008 р.

Super-G Stunt

Super-G Stunt firmy to gra akcji OmniGSoft w której pilotujemy samolotem, którym wykonujemy akrobacje. Gracz ma możliwość wyboru samolotu i lokacji gry - jednej z ośmiu wykonanych w pełnym 3D. Samolot w grze wykonuję akrobacje ...

Source: Android News

OpenOffice 2.4 updated newly released

With version 3.0 coming out this September, OpenOffice developers has optioned to release update 2.4 of the popular Open Source Office Suite. According to the developers, 2.4 is mostly an incremental upgrade with small feature updates ...

Source: Android News

Google Android ?

I look for Google Android project today this is very interesting platform for mobile devices based on linux with 2.6 kernel. Simple Model of Android: system-architecture.jpg. More information on http://code.google.com/android.

Source: Android News

Is it possible to use a variable in the name of other variables?

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Trying to avoid a long post; is there some command in Java that would allow a variable to be read before the rest of the statement it is in? ...

Source: Android News

My program is turning against me! please help

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Background: Last year, I was in Comp. Sci. 1 at my high school. I tried to make a humongous game that I only partially got finished for my final project. Now, a year later, after I forgot ...

Source: Android News

News - 2008.02.13 Late Edition

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Ethernity Rolls Out ENET4000 FPGA Access Flow Processor for PON OLT Ethernity Networks Ltd, a leading supplier of Access Flow Processors, announced the PON OLT line card on a chip program, ...

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

"'...sorry. I'm new here.'"

Okay, so basically my new job is AMAZING! I work at a university in Santa Ana/Costa Mesa. I'm the receptionist! Haha. So, I get to answer the phone and patch people through to other people...and I can be on Myspace at the same time! ...

Source: Android News

Hi Everyone

Just picked up my 2007 FZ6 today (cold and rainy, but what the heck). This makes street bike #3 and slots in the garage with an '05 FJR and Victory Vegas. If the ride home was any indication, this bike should be a lot of fun. ...

Source: Android News

nothing and nowhere is golden

i read the curious incident of the dog in the night-time from 9:00-1:00. pretty good, i guess. earth hour later. it's a good idea, but kind of pointless. i mean, what does it really do? people are just going to go back to wasting energy ...

Source: Android News


送り主バトン ◆◇◆◇ルール◆◇◆◇ ◆指名されたら絶対バトンをやること。 ◇絶対にバトンを誰かに回すこと。 ◆なるべく多くの人に回して下さい ◇あなたの名前は? ゆきる◆送り主の名前は? しゅう◇送り主との関係は? ...

Source: Android News


구직 활동 집어치우고 티벳 독립운동가가 되신 J 언니의 부름을 받고 비가 추적추적 오는 토요일 오후 어슬렁 대학로로 향했다. 왠지 큰 행사라고 생각했는데 비가 와서 그랬는지 정말, 정말 사람이 없었다. 티벳문제에 대해 생각은 하고 있었지만 역시 ...

Source: Android News

Isn't this interview question too difficult??

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. Hello, ...

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

Manage v1.2b

Manage is a file manager to do basic file operations like move, copy, delete etc. I’ve used this as a reference for the ‘file browser’ part of the code. Ideally, the options should’ve been done in Menu, but here i’ve used List Dialog. ...

Source: Android News

Security problem maybe?

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I wrote a JPanel that creates an animation of a bouncing object (In this case my head) and it works fine as an application but now I want to put it in an applet. The applet works fine with ...

Source: Android News

Cool quote.

'Aim for the stars, so you'll at least hit the clouds'. Patrick Algrim.

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

Finally android runs with much problems

Today, i got android runs on my board, PhyCORE iMX31. following this link : google internals to do : Touchscreen driver Network Drunk well, this is the first attempt. I am digging more into it later. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News


GoogleがAndroidを発表したのに前後して、携帯電話の周辺があわただしくなっている。いわゆる電機メーカーの撤退表明やうわさが相次ぎ、蓋を返せばNTTドコモのGoogle寄り路線が鮮明になってくる。これまでさんざん振り回して、やっぱりAndroidね、なんて ...

Source: Android News


あまりにも自分が苛々してるのが可笑しくなってきちゃって、 気分転換にバトンをやってみました。 かなり以前に頂いたもので、今まで放置してて本当に申し訳ないですっ! それでは、どうぞv ☆絶対やってくれるだろうバトン☆ ●あなたの性格を一言! ...

Source: Android News

Google has its eyes on TV white space

Most importantly, this will make things easier for Android based mobile phones. As of now, around 30 companies are working on mobile phones that can support Android platform. If Google could get TV white space in its kitty, ...

Source: Android News

Finally android runs with much problems

Today, i got android runs on my board, PhyCORE iMX31. following this link : google internals to do : Touchscreen driver Network Drunk well, this is the first attempt. I am digging more into it later.

Source: Android News


GoogleがAndroidを発表したのに前後して、携帯電話の周辺があわただしくなっている。いわゆる電機メーカーの撤退表明やうわさが相次ぎ、蓋を返せばNTTドコモのGoogle寄り路線が鮮明になってくる。これまでさんざん振り回して、やっぱりAndroidね、なんて ...

Source: Android News

Inventory Program

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. I am trying to make in inventory program. ...

Source: Android News

Notes from mEga 280308 workshop

Google’s Android - http://code.google.com/android/. iPhones relationship with AT&T in attracting some of the subscriber revenue. Understanding the Market: - Need to change consumer behaviour to use your product ...

Source: Android News

Discussion about the future of handsets and Google Android

The operating system that every smart-phone that actual smart-people will end up using is Android. The Linux operating system is truly open, and I believe Android has captured the true essence of how Internet phones should be . ...

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News


3/29に、ZaurusのAndroidポーティング第一人者として有名な安藤恐竜さんとお会いしました。 RFCをFAXで取り寄せていた時代のお話や「次は○○にAndroidを載せたい」等、たくさんの楽しいお話を聞かせていただき、非常に有意義な時間を過ごすことが出来 ...

Source: Android News


失った瞬間は 何が起こったのか 理解できなかった 理解したくなかった また ひょっこり帰ってくると 次の日 現実を認められなくて 認めたくなくて 眼を逸らした その次の日 現実を認めざるを得なくなってきた 心が もたない 堪えられない だから 捨てた ...

Source: Android News

Former Sprint CEO recieved $40 million in 2007

For a Company that is bleeding chips so much money shouldn't be thrown away on one man who help to Sprint's fall from Glory. Ousted CEO Gary Forsee received $40 Million during 2007 and will pick up another $1 Million annually for the ...

Source: Android News

пʼятниця, 28 березня 2008 р.

We Can Build You!

So, along with Edwin Stanton, Lincoln is the first android built. The book, as well non-fiction historical sources, postulates that Lincoln suffered from schizophrenia. Hence, in We Can Build You the android-Lincoln is gripped by an ...

Source: Android News

Turkcell ve RIM’in BlackBerry Pearl 8120 akıllı telefonu piyasada..

Turkcell’in yeni incisi… Black Berry Pearl 8120. Turkcell ve RIM; Turkcell logolu, Wi-Fi bağlantılı ve 2 megapiksel dijital kameralı yeni BlackBerry Pearl 8120 akıllı telefonu Türk müşteriler için piyasaya sundu. ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android

This video introduction to Google’s (relatively) new operating system for mobile devices promises $10 million dollars to the developer who comes up with the winning software application for Android…I’m somewhat giddy about the figure.

Source: Android News

Just What is Google Android?

Android is a new operating system for mobile phones and PDA’s. In a nutshell, Google is reinventing the mobile phone. According to Google, its new Android Platform is a platform for mobile devices that not only acts as an operating ...

Source: Android News

AndroidGuys: 34 Weeks of OHA: #12

LG will be one of the first Open Handset Alliance Members to unleash Android based phones unto the market, to make things even better thet are in the Top 5 mobile Manufacturers in the World at the moment so expect Good things from them ...

Source: Android News

Motorola Ming triple Network play?

What if you had a phone that could function on three networks at the same time? Pretty neat huh? Well with the new Motorola Ming2 A1800 that could be possible, the phone is a CDMA phone but has a dual sim card slot that you'd expect is ...

Source: Android News

Android Status

Android continues apace with develop on the software. As a open software stack for handheld devices it has a lot to offer. It also has teething prolblems – While this all sounds like mobile computing nirvana, a number of challenges have ...

Source: Android News

interesting iPhone and Android comparison

Alexander Schatten posted an interesting comment called "Two Cultures: iPhone and Android" on his Software Engineering - Best Practices blog. He compares the very different approaches that Apple and Google are taking when it comes to ...

Source: Android News

Motorola breakup good for Enterprise?

What say you on this matter? Is the decision made by Motorola to split their business means well for Enterprise users? I think Motorola should have focused allot more on re-building their Mobile Business than just splitting up. ...

Source: Android News

Eritrea Dembesko Eritrea music School Graduate Students in Diploma.

SO you think you can sing You want to own the spotlight You believe you re destined to rule the airwaves And you ve been waiting all your life for your big chance to show off your undeniable stage presence. East Africa Who Will Be the ...

Source: Android News

No Life v.3.

EA announced the release of the Sims 3 in 2009. Check out some of the new features (I wonder where they get their ideas from ):. '[Your Sims] can stroll downtown to hang out with friends, meet someone new at the park, ...

Source: Android News

Rides in the Android Amusement Park

The Top 9 Rides in the Android Amusement Park. 9> Revenge of the Fembots. 8> Hyper Drive: The Roller Coaster. Wait in line for 3 hours. Ride last 2 nanoseconds. 7> Mr. Data’s Wild Ride. 6> Robo-Gear Shoppe: Buy all your cool souvenirs ...

Source: Android News

There are modalities such as the many military...

posted by Eugenia Loli-Queru on Wed 26th Mar 2008 22:02 (New Mobile Computing) Today at our sister site New Mobile Computing : “Review: Tapwave Zodiac PDA”, “Microsoft Research Packs ‘Wallop’”, “Nokia TV”, “Reading, Writing, ...

Source: Android News

Are you ready to be a warden?

Service found this gem of a page, and the same is reproduced here. Have a hearty laugh!! This is written by a professor(Whow!!) Hold your breath, more is to follow. An ELEC PROF!!!! (Heart signal going weak) Read and Yanjoy! ...

Source: Android News


I see waste around. I see people wasting their lives. Some day in the future, they will definitely look back and see that they haven't done anything except waste their lives away playing games in the computer. I feel sad for them. ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Null pointer exception when finding views <b>...</b>

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Null pointer exception when finding views <b>...</b>

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Android SDK

The android sdk has been out for a while now, at this stage, im checking out its web capabilities.. and really guyz, the possibilities are endless! I’ve been interested in creating a Medical database (PDA) for medical students. ...

Source: Android News

Android: Open Source Mobile Operating System-1

Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik Virtual Machine. Dalvik has been written so that a device can run multiple VM’s efficiently. The Dalvik VM execute files in the Dalvik Executable ...

Source: Android News

Android SOS

An Android application that can flash Morse code with the default message as SOS. This is the essential life-saving application you absolutely must have in your Android-powered phone! Imagine your romantic Alaska cruise vacation goes ...

Source: Android News


Caltroid is a Caltrain schedule application for Android devices. The usage is pretty simple. Two buttons determine the day of the week and direction of travel. With spinners you can select departure and destination stations. ...

Source: Android News


An Object-Oriented Embedded Database for Android.With Perst, McObject offers an all-Java, open source, object-oriented embedded database for Android, the new mobile device platform backed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. ...

Source: Android News

Arensus Crossword Player

Let the user solve crosswords on Android. The crosswords are downloaded from the internet. The main Android Activities are Browser, Crossword-List and Crossword-Player. In the browser, the user navigates to the website of choice and ...

Source: Android News

Android Location

Android Location will be a revolutionary social mapping service to change the way people use mobile phones to keep in touch with their friends. It will facilitates real-world interaction between friends and puts an end to frustrating ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Upper limit size of ImageView?

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News


KudoStar is a mobile social rating system, based on Google’s Android mobile phone operating system, connects your contacts and favorite locations. People and places accumulate positive and negative Kudostars (KudoScore), with relevant ...

Source: Android News

robot sex

An android's memory is filled with faces of of the dead - friends and enemies they knew from the simulation who didn't make it. Teammates, lovers, shared pain and triumph. And endless memories of death. The weak personalities, culled ...

Source: Android News


... and extensible set of intents and interfaces, and to provide a basic, but stable and efficient, implementation that can be used by other Android applications, especially by other participants of the Android Developer Challenge. ...

Source: Android News

Google Android to be release later this year

Ever since introducing Android, a mobile-phone operating system, last November, Google has said that Android-loaded phones would be available in the second half of this year. However, on Monday, Richard Whitt, Google’s Washington ...

Source: Android News

BBC Android Video - Google Phone

This is new video about Google Phone based on Android system. A Google's engineer shows the features of the new Gphone. Great !

Source: Android News

FDA Says Kristina sesar in Blood Thinner Is...

Intellectual Property Laws and the Destruction of Human Civilization. Which Open Handset Alliance members will bring to the upcoming mobile handset . In Social Studies they are learning mapping Posted in Mylanta versions of Google News ...

Source: Android News

Bloomberg Breaks Android, Google Down

Bloomberg is out with one hell of a long article looking at Google, Android, Microsoft, Yahoo and about any other related subject you can think of around this topic. I provide you below the opening two and last closing paragraphs to ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Upper limit size of ImageView?

android.view.ViewInflate$Inflate Exception: Binary XML file line #8: Error inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor. Can this have anything to do with the size of the ImageView? Is there an upper limit for the size? Best regards, ...

Source: Android News

Marvin the Paranoid Android Metal Man

Marvin the Paranoid Android comes top, and Million selling legendary Soul Singer genius Marvin Gaye comes second !! Never mind At least he beats Marvin Windows and Doors into third though...

Source: Android News

Tutorial harnesses Android for XML, RSS (Linux Devices)

20, 2008 — IBM’s DeveloperWorks has published a tutorial on using the Eclipse-based developer tools for Google’s Android mobile phone platform to work with XML. Frank Abelson’s latest exploration of Linux-based Android platform shows ...

Source: Android News

четвер, 27 березня 2008 р.

Google Android Platform

I’m not sure if Google’s Android Platform is the best but it will probably take the work by storm, as most google products tend to do. The Android Platform will start showing up on phones soon. Long story short, the Android Platform is ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: HttpsURLConnection

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Google Android

... and might just have developed the mobile platform to knock the iPhone into a hat - you can view the early evidence for yourself below. [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FJHYqE0RDg]. Google Android is coming… Share this item! ...

Source: Android News

toothless dentists, cops that kill...

mock osslt was fine. i have the wierd feeling that i could have done exceedingly well, but lately i'm just so lazy with schoolwork. "whateva". then the guest speaker. that was idiotic. i should have left. he, like, spun a basketball on ...

Source: Android News

Elbow - Grounds For Divorce / Música da Semana

Primeiro single, retirado do novo álbum Seldom Seen Kid.

Source: Android News

Google outlines proposal for 'Wi-Fi on steroids'

It does, however, envision the white spaces as a "unique opportunity to provide ubiquitous wireless access for all Americans" and a prime spot for use of mobile handsets running its open-source Android platform. ...

Source: Android News

Android, Schmandroid: Linux on the iPhone

"It has been a little bit of an arms war" Apple has been battling renegade Linux hackers, upgrading the iPhone's firmware every time they hack into the device. via MacNewsWorld.

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo 250Mbps Downlonk LTE test

Who says wireless Broadband internet can never match that of wired, member of the Open Handset Alliance NTT DoCoMo has announced that they have completed test of their 3G LTE network technology which has been successful, Google Android ...

Source: Android News

The Mountain Goats Explain Why Ozzy Osbourne Is A Scifi Visionary ...

Your new book, Master Of Reality, is about a teenager in an adolescent psychiatric care facility explaining his need for his confiscated copy of the Black Sabbath album the way you'd explain "love to an android," according to the 33 1/3 ...

Source: Android News

Five Linux devices you should be using

Otherwise from Android (which does not have a physical device out) there are other Linux Operating Systems out there with devices that has been making headlines across the Blogsphere. CrunchGear took the time to conjure up 5 out of the ...

Source: Android News

Google Android

Google Android の Demo をみた。さすがにサクサク動いているなぁ。 AndroidはオープンソースでありながらApacheライセンスなので、自社開発した部分の公開が不要なのは開発メーカにとってはでかいだろう。ベースのOSはLinuxカーネルを使用するので、開発 ...

Source: Android News

Google Android

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FJHYqE0RDg] Google Android is coming… Share this item![IMG [del.icio.us]] [IMG [Digg]] [IMG [Facebook]] [IMG [Newsvine]] [IMG [Reddit]] [IMG [Slashdot]]. Read the rest of this great post here.

Source: Android News

Letter from Google Founders

We use the remaining 10% of our resources on areas that are farther afield but have huge potential, such as Android. We strongly believe that allocating modest resources to new areas is crucial to continuing to innovate. ...

Source: Android News

Samsung quer concorrer com Android e iPhone

A nova interface TouchWiz da Samsung deve promover uma ótima concorrência com Google Android e Apple iPhone. Assista e confira! :)

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

Google Android - snart i en lur nära dig

Googles överhypade intåg på den mobila marknaden håller på att få starkt fäste hos tillverkarna men tidiga prototyper visar att det fortfarande är en lång bit att gå innan plattformen är redo för prime time.

Source: Android News

don't panic, just relax and find a time machine.

bad news hit me first thing in the morning today. urghhh, i don't care. i'm still going to that university. but damnit, it's like someone's mocking me by having the bloody campus just opposite my flat. just cross the street and i'm ...

Source: Android News

News - 2008.02.10

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. ArcSoft Launches PowerMobia Mobile Multimedia Total Solution ArcSoft, Inc. announced the launch of new branding for Mobile Multimedia Total Solution: ArcSoft PowerMobia(tm). ...

Source: Android News

Android Sexbots are...(you're still reading? go look at the pictures!)

Showing Daft Punk how it's done with technotronic ladybots from the Hoxton borders. Source: Android News.

Source: Android News

Android Sexbots are...(you're still reading? go look at the pictures!)

Showing Daft Punk how it's done with technotronic ladybots from the Hoxton borders.

Source: Android News

The Euro Has Eritrea map The Maltese Lira.

Despite the best attempts by a large contingent of local and national media gathered at Logan Airport here. Hate crimes dropped in SF last year. Or does this account of an interview with President Isaias Afewerki of Eritrea seem Dan ...

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: How to load a bitmap to a server directly?

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Android Armadillo勉強会

ハンズオンでArmadilloをAndroidにしちゃうんだ。 ⇒ Androidポーティング情報勉強会を開催します - ブリリアントサービス. ん?ファミコンエミュレータ、わっふるわっふるすると貰えるのかしら。後でメールしてみようかしら。 ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Wi-Fi on steroids and first Android-based mobiles coming <b>...</b>

As InformationWeek.com reported on Monday, Google’s Washington telecom and media counsel, Richard Whitt said during his conference call that the development of Google’s Android platform may help in creating new devices ready for the ...

Source: Android News

HTC Develops “Dream” Phone Powered by Goo...

High Tech Computer (HTC), a well-known maker of smartphones, ... on the development of Android through the Open Handset Alliance , a multinational alliance of technology ... officially remained tight-lipped on the handset . ...

Source: Android News


3/13にすでにお会いしていましたが、今回は弊社社長を交えてお会いすることが出来ました。 興味深い話をたくさん聞かせていただき、勉強させていただいたとともに、大変刺激を受けました。 きっかけはAndroidでしたが、今後Androidに関わらずお付き合い ...

Source: Android News

Beans Binding for Dummies

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. If you want to really understand "beans binding", ie, JSR-295, you can study lots of documents. Alternatively, you can go through a small but very powerful demo, here. ...

Source: Android News

Are we getting closer to cloning Dehai eritrea online.

SCHMIDT Grand jury testimony given by Barry Bonds nearly five years ago was unsealed Friday and it revealed that prosecutors have evidence that Bonds had elevated levels of Hutchens vanessa on two private tests. ...

Source: Android News

Generation Mobile

While Apple’s SDK is specifically for creating applications for the iPhone alone, Google has released one for Android, a project developed for the Open Handset Alliance. This group counts LG, Samsung, T-Mobile, Motorola and Intel as ...

Source: Android News

Re: Cellphone Use in Classroom?

A cheesy way to put it: "putting the 'smart' back in 'smartphone'." Google's Android and Open Handset Alliance could be an excellent basis for......(read more)

Source: Android News

From the end of the earth...to the end of my endurance

I'm pretty sure that 3 days in the Outer Banks of NC was not the best of preparation right before a long-course duathlon. On the flipside, that did make 3 of the 5 days before the race turn into rest days, so at least I was properly ...

Source: Android News

Android: Brief note on event model

View [ChildView1] –subtype of -> android.view.View [GrandChildView1] –subtype of -> android.view.View Example event sequence and interaction: 0. Initially the GrandChildView1 has a focus, and user presses a physical key. 1. ...

Source: Android News


Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService. It’s just not cricket.

Source: Android News

Why I don’t hate the iPhone but don’t own one.

Judging by the comments on my last post, “Android may catch RIM and Apple looking the wrong way.”, most people think the Apple machine will continue to roll over the mobile industry crushing all comers. ...

Source: Android News

Claudia kaleem roars back to the red carpet...

Which Open Handset Alliance members will bring to the. More results from Major Faust kristen Disorder and Comorbid. MLS strives to find place on US sports landscape. Set Fire to US Embassy Claudia Posted in One a mitchell the kicker ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: help- 670 errors :( R cannot be resolved

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Soft Rock Sexbots Are Kinda Hot, Kinda Creepy [Android DJs]

The Western suburbs of London were a fantastic place to be a sad android fetishist in the late 1990s. Adult contemporary radio stations in two cities, Slough and Guildford, developed Sorayama-esque android DJs, Twinkle and Talon, ...

Source: Android News

середа, 26 березня 2008 р.

Wonderbank, Mobile Banking pour Android

Lemon Way est un éditeur français spécialisé dans les logiciels de Mobile Banking et de Mobile Trading qui vient d’annoncer le portage de sa suite logicielle Wonderbank Mobile sur la plateforme Android. (more…)

Source: Android News


It's good to review this site because it's one of my favorite sites, I visit Ahkong.net every day, this is Deimos' personal blog. ahkong.net deals with many topics of interest to most of the blogger who are also gamers, that's many of ...

Source: Android News

Tales of Suspense #77 - Ultimo Lives!

Over half the pages of this issue deal in the interaction between the Mandarin and his prisoner Tony Stark about the state of affairs and the construction of the giant android called Ultimo born in a volcano. Tony, it must be said, ...

Source: Android News

18 years today

18 years ago to the day I started work at S&P which later meant through a serious of acquisitions and mergers working for JPMorgan Asset Management. It's been something of a roller-coaster ride.

Source: Android News

» Google Android vs Apple iPhone: Take two - iPhone World

Google Android vs Apple iPhone: Take two - iPhone World You, like many others, have probably wondered about an old age question of what’s better: iPhone or Android? Funambol’s development manager Andrea Gazzaniga had the same question. ...

Source: Android News

Mobile OS Consolidation Still Some Time Away, Blogger Says - Not ...

Apple and Google are just two examples of vendors that are jumping into a rapidly growing mobile market — Apple with its iPhone and the Mac OS-based operating system, and Google with the Android platform, which is based on Linux. ...

Source: Android News

Finding Android a Home

Outbid by Verizon Wireless in the great American airwaves auction last week, Google plunked a six-page letter on Federal Communication Commission’s desk asking the government to make the “white spaces” – the airspace between broadcast ...

Source: Android News

Android and Agents

Version 1.0 of JADE-ANDROID, a software package that allows developing agent oriented applications based on JADE for the ANDROID platform, has been released. Android is the software stack for mobile devices including the operating ...

Source: Android News

Hi from South Africa

I'm new. Hello.

Source: Android News

Google's Annual Letter

I just read Google's latest annual report. Well, not the whole thing, but the best part -- the letter from the cofounders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Actually, this year's letter appears to be mostly written by Larry, so the two must ...

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo to introduce Android by 2010

NTT DoCoMo to introduce Android by 2010 NTT DoCoMo one of the members of the OHA are planning on introducing Google’s Android as its new OS by ... Source: Android Colosseum Google Android Linux/ Open Source Open Handset Alliance (OHA) ...

Source: Android News

Sprint WiMax Network Nationwide Idea Revived

Cable Companies are not the only ones backing WiMax, the God like hands of Google are also in the mix, you can bet Android will benefit, followed by the OHA member Intel who are masters of bridging the gap between the internet and the ...

Source: Android News

Android may surprise Competitors

Thats the assumption I'm getting from the blogger at Mobile Connections, and to a great extent, i agree with him ... , and the momentum that the Open Handset Alliance is gaining, Android is poised to be the next….well… ...

Source: Android News

Motorola Splitting into Two Companies ...

... is one of 4 handset manufacturers who are considered founding members of the Open Handset Alliance . It’s unknown how, if at all, this will affect ......(read more) Posted in OHA Android News ( 1 link from 1 site )...(read more)

Source: Android News

What Makes a Good Mobile Application Great

But Google’s Android and the Open Handset Alliance will help put in motion a new era of “openness,” and consumers will be the direct benefactors. And of course, Apple’s SDK is coming out soon, which will undoubtedly spawn numerous ...

Source: Android News

Windows Mobile and Symbian threat forced Google's hand

One of the best Articles I've read in a long time is from Bloomberg.com, the writer speaks of Google's foray into the Mobile Colosseum and how difficult it would be for Google and Android to overcome all their adversaries. ...

Source: Android News

Android may surprise Competitors

Android could be the sleeping giant that will soon wake. With new open access rules in the US, the staggering pace at which Google is able to launch mobile applications, and the momentum that the Open Handset Alliance is gaining, ...

Source: Android News

Cutie Honey-The Live

The blue girl is a dark, surly figure while the white girl is all cheery and light at first but then comes to covet Honey's android body for spare parts! It's funny, visually cool and has some kick-ass action. ...

Source: Android News

Motorola plays number 2

Motorola has announced that they will split into two publicly traded companies, one will handle handsets and accessories, while the other taking on wireless broadband networks and enterprise-level communications services. ...

Source: Android News

Android may catch RIM and Apple looking the...

Apple is great at developing products that capture the imagination of the consumer ... pace at which Google is able to launch mobile applications, and the momentum that the Open Handset Alliance is gaining, Android is poised to be the ...

Source: Android News

singaporeans call it PEEAHHNO

DEAR LORD. I completely messed up the last chord for my last piece! Which I envisioned as something Pompous and Grand and Awesomely Impressive, only i played it one semitone OFF. To which my examiner SNIGGERED! ...

Source: Android News

Android may catch RIM and Apple looking the wrong way

Android could be the sleeping giant that will soon wake. With new open access rules in the US, the staggering pace at which Google is able to launch mobile applications, and the momentum that the Open Handset Alliance is gaining, ...

Source: Android News

News.blog: Android phones to debut this fall?, News at CNET.co.uk

News.blog: Android phones to debut this fall?, News at CNET.co.uk 26 Mar Posted by Roger as google, mobile, news More Android news. For those who do not know Android is Google’s effort to harmonise mobile platforms so that software ...

Source: Android News

News.blog: Android phones to debut this fall?, News at CNET.co.uk

More Android news. For those who do not know Android is Google’s effort to harmonise mobile platforms so that software developers can build more applications that work on more phones because right now nearly every non-Smartphone out ...

Source: Android News

Revision3 Expands Partnership with Blip.tv for Content Distribution

The last time I got a tip phrased the way this one was phrased, it turned out to be the first droplets of data the blogosphere got about the gPhone (which later turned out to be Android). This time around, it’s UStream, and my nameless ...

Source: Android News

Google Loses Wireless Spectrum Auction To Verizon

The search giant’s interest in this auction was mainly to ensure open standards would be maintained, which will be very useful once their Android platform is in use. Google had also shown a strong interest in the spectrum and had bid on ...

Source: Android News

Dream,, HTC Android’s first gadget on earth

HTC (High Tech Computer), Business Week’s second best performing technology company in Asia in 2007 based in Taiwan is rumored to be the first vendor which will release the first Google’s Android gadget late this year. ...

Source: Android News

Figuring Out the Google White Space Proposal [Live Draft]

Why does Android keep being mentioned, besides being a Google project? Is there something Android does that other mobile OSes could not with the White Space spectrum? Why is the National Association of Broadcasters freaking out about ...

Source: Android News

Geek Links - 3/26/08

Android port turns phones into webservers LinuxDevices Webtide has announced a port of its open source Jetty webserver to the Android mobile phone platform. Accidental Wi-Fi access still a criminal offense in Maryland Beta News ...

Source: Android News

[android-developers] Re: Nested ViewGroups causing <b>...</b>

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul announced

Using Linux and can't find any good games to play? Don't switch or dual boot back to Windows just yet, S2 Games has announced today the release of Savage 2: A Tortured Soul which is a Real-Time Strategy Shooter for Linux. ...

Source: Android News

All About Linux 2008: Will Android be available as soon as late <b>...</b>

Will we see Android this summer? We’re guessing late summer to early fall, August-ish, would be a likely time. For now, we’ll check with our Google and HTC and Samsung friends and see if they have anything to say.

Source: Android News

Security solution for Android

Savant Protection has announced that they have ported their technology to Google Android. Savant end-point security solution is an award winning Cyber Security application that aims to protect Android users from Malwares and other ...

Source: Android News

Android vs. iPhone - a battle royal of SDKs

Rich Miner is the Group Manager for Mobile... Catch more....

Source: Android News

a Forum! OMGSH!

i have set up a forum for no reason, so if you want you can go to here. No real thing to talk about today. ~ Floyd.

Source: Android News

Facebook principles.

Michael at Law Actually seems to be quite hostile towards facebook and I don't blame him. Having registered there, I can't leave now. I, however, refuse to change my facebook status out of principle. I must admit though - some people's ...

Source: Android News

Android Cellphones Due tish Summer?

Google’s Android mobile platform has been slated for a “second half of 2008″ release since it was first announced. But in a conference call on Monday, one company representative indicated that phones running the software could be ...

Source: Android News

Android phones coming by summer?

Google’s Android mobile platform has been slated for a “second half of 2008″ release since it was first announced. But in a conference call on Monday, one company representative indicated that phones running the software could be ...

Source: Android News

вівторок, 25 березня 2008 р.

All About Linux 2008: Will Android be available as soon as late <b>...</b>

It was about five months ago that Google introduced the world to Android, saying that sometime in the second half of 2008 Android-equipped handsets would start hitting the streets. Google’s Richard Whitt, a lobbyist-type in DC, ...

Source: Android News

Forever Changes: The Bob Pepper Debate

Pepper did in 1983 (especially for A Scanner Darkly and We Can Build You), my favorite cover of Pepper's and maybe in all of PKD-land, is his 1969 cover for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? This may be Pepper's most-underrated cover ...

Source: Android News

Google Android device from HTC dubbed the...

Google Inc., High Tech Computer Corp., Google Android, Device, Keyboards, Hardware, Peripherals, Matthew Miller Open Handset Alliance I had a chance to play with the early prototype Google Posted in The Mobile Gadgeteer | ZDNet.com ...

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo to strip down mobile OS; Android coming in 2010 - PHONE <b>...</b>

NTT DoCoMo reveals that they expect to introduce Google’s Android as its new OS by 2010. The two companies previously agreed to load apps such as Google Maps for Mobile and Gmail onto the i-mode platform, with Android-based handsets a ...

Source: Android News

re: Aussie wimax pioneer trashes it at WiMAX...

re: Aussie wimax pioneer trashes it at WiMAX conf March 25th, 2008 [Note: This comment comes from reader Randall. DLH] ... to benefits from such trends: The opening of networks As wireless networks begin to open Posted in Dewayne-Net ...

Source: Android News

All About Linux 2008: Your next cellphone will probably run Linux ...

Android was announced to great fanfare a few months ago and people are looking forward to it as the first real alternative to Windows Mobile in years. By combining Google’s own crack coders with the open-source community, Android is ...

Source: Android News

re: Aussie wimax pioneer trashes it at WiMAX conf

Android and the Open Handset Alliance will allow Google to run the advertising OS of the mobile industry, just like it has become the Web’s Advertising OS. Sprint (S) seeking a strategy and what’s really happening in WiMAX ...

Source: Android News

Does Android Still Listen?

We had the following comment attached to a previous post: Re Android: Google seem to have quietly removed the speech.recognition package from the Android API. I say quietly: the removal is noted in the API Diff specification for ...

Source: Android News

Google Android Phone to be Released By Summer?

According to CNET, during a conference call about Google’s plans for using “white space spectrum”, Whitt accidentally mentioned that the Android phones could be on the market in either summer or fall 2008. Oops. ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Plans for the Space Between Your TV C...

Google may get another shot at a wireless airwave auction ... it didn’t win any airwaves, it won a more important battle to keep certain spectrum blocks “ open ” to any wireless device provider. Last summer, the FCC ruled that some ...

Source: Android News

Google Android cell phones could be shipping by fall 2008

The Google Android phone shown in the photo above could be shipping by fall 2008 according to CNet, they say that the launch time frame for Android phones may have been let slip by Richard Whitt of Google’s Washington telecom and media ...

Source: Android News

Momoko Tsugunaga - Momo16 PB (Download)

Well, Rika Ishikawa's PB never showed up, but Momoko's did very fast. And it's here to download. This is a really cute PB of one of the cutest girls in whole Hello! Project. tsugunaga_momoko_momo16_050 tsugunaga_momoko_momo16_079 ...

Source: Android News

Obama Resuscitates Seal…

... on desperately in the face of adversity without ever losing your abrasive social manner or your shrill rhetorical style,” she said, coming as close to showing emotion as any android in the history of artificial robot companions. ...

Source: Android News

Morning Musume @ BLT

Morning Musume girls are featured in the in ~BEAUTIFUL Lady & TELEVISION~ Magazine, and these are really great pictures with great outfits. Morning_Musume_BTL_07. Morning_Musume_BTL_04 Morning_Musume_BTL_01. Morning_Musume_BTL_02 ...

Source: Android News

Content n div id Enalapril hydrochlorothiazide n div expr.

Android spark Afghanistan flag about whether its Linux platform will prove more. Create an email alert for Enalapril hydrochlorothiazide. Subscribe to a blog search feed for Enalapril hydrochlorothiazide in Google Reader. ...

Source: Android News

Sonic Unleashed

I've never felt attracted by this game of the hedgehog that just run all the time, but now and with this new technology of the new video games generation, this creature looks great. This is the trailer. ...

Source: Android News

DoCoMo wants to cripple its own phones to help Japanese handset ...

Sony Ericsson denies reports that it is ending partnershp with DoCoMo; NTT DoCoMo to enter the fashion phone market; Google and NTT DoCoMo confirmed partners, possibly bringing Android handset to Japan; Japanese carrier NTT DoCoMo ...

Source: Android News

Savant Protection supports Google Android

According to the release Savant’s Protection has been ported over to the Google Android platform. Savant Protection is very interesting technology in the fight to prevent the spread of malware. It’s not AntiVirus in the traditional ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Plans for the Space Between Your TV Channels

(2) Coupled with the “Android” open source platform for mobile consumer devices, TV white spaces can provide uniquely low-cost mobile broadband coverage for all Americans. As announced last fall, over thirty other companies are working ...

Source: Android News

The ultra-cool Parleys experiment - JavaFX, Flex, and GWT

If you have the agnostic RESTy backend, then you can also roll out native mobile clients (such as Android, and iPhone), without too much trouble - you don't have to repeat yourself. All in all I agree with the approaches Parleys has ...

Source: Android News

HTC Dream with Android OS

It looks like HTC was persuaded to drop Windows mobile OS and made Omni into Google’s Android demo phone. Here’s what Forbes describes it as:. The phone, code-named “Dream” inside Google, looks somewhat like Apple’s iPhone: It is thin, ...

Source: Android News

Hello world project at Android

I filled the Project name by Terminator1 (since I remember Arnold’s movie “Terminator” when I heard Android); package name com.caliphsoft.firstandroid (since this is my first Android program and I have a website named ...

Source: Android News

Google wil internet aanbieden via vrije tv-frequenties

"Android-toestellen zijn later dit jaar commercieel beschikbaar en zouden een uitstekende match zijn met het vrije tv-frequenties", zegt Whitt. "Google hoopt rond het feestdagenseizoen 2009 geschikte toestellen te hebben. ...

Source: Android News

Android w komórkach już na jesień

Jeden z dyrektorów firmy Google wygadał się na temat premiery pierwszych telefonów z systemem Android. „Goglowe” komórki najprawdopodobniej trafią do sprzedaży jeszcze jesienią.

Source: Android News

Bluetooth dongles

Does anyone own or know of a Bluetooth dongle that runs under the Microsoft Bluetooth stack without the use of any other drivers? I used to have a dongle that did this, and none of the (admittedly limited number of) programs I threw at ...

Source: Android News

Google pushes Wi-Fi 2.0 for Android

TV broadcasters and microphone manufacturers are resisting the initiative because they are afraid that new devices like those using Google Android would interfere with their existing broadcast infrastructure. To address those concerns, ...

Source: Android News

Install Google Android SDK in my Ubuntu

First, we must have the Android SDK from here (download it),; Extract the SDK at some location. You can right click the file from Nautilus then select Open with “Archive Manager”. Left click on the android SDK … then click Extract ...

Source: Android News

Android phone to be released this summer?

WHEN GOOGLE UNVEILED the Android mobile phone operating system in November 2007, it stated that Android phones would only be available in the second half of 2008. But now, a slip of the tongue by Google's legal advisor on telecom and ...

Source: Android News

Google exec lets slip Android release date?

A Google executive may have inadvertently tipped the wireless industry’s hand on the launch timeframe for Android phones. ShareThis.

Source: Android News

Links 25/03/2008: New ‘NSA Linux’, Android Coming Soon

Links for the day.

Source: Android News

Takahashi Ai - 9º PB (Photobook)

Today was announced a new Photobook for the leader of Morning Musume, Takahashi Ai. This PB will be released some day in May, but there's no exact date, and there's no name either. This will be Ai's 9th Photobook and so she will be the ...

Source: Android News

Niigaki Risa - Happy Girl PB (Photobook)

Today was revealed the name of Risa Niigaki's new Photobook. It will be Happy Girl. This Photobook will be released on April 25. It has been a month since it was announced that Risa would have her 4th PB and there's still one moth left ...

Source: Android News

Android phones

As widely reported it looks like Android phones could be out later this year. I hadn’t aid a lot of attention until I saw this photo. It’s looks like a HTC prototype but interesting it looks like standard Windows Mobile hardware. ...

Source: Android News

Danny Mcmillan and Dlp-Android Party

Track, Time. Danny Mcmillan and Dlp -Android Party (Original mix).mp3, 6:17. Danny Mcmillan and Dlp -Android Party (Koma and Bones mix).mp3, 7:06. Download Full Album Danny Mcmillan and Dlp - Android Party. […] (more̷ ;)

Source: Android News

Android phones coming by summer?

Since it was first announced, Google's Android mobile platform was slated for a "second half of 2008" release. But in a conference call on Monday, one company representative indicated phones may be hitting store shelves sooner than we ...

Source: Android News

HTC’s Dream again rumored to be first Android phone

Now “a person close to the situation” tells InfoWorld that the Dream is indeed HTC’s Android phone. Remember, HTC is widely expected to be the first from the gate with a retail phone featuring Google’s open source OS. ...

Source: Android News

3rd place, going on 4th

thanks to aggressive moves into Europe and emerging markets, a greater focus on consumer research and an embrace of open operating systems, including Windows Mobile, Symbian and Google's Android. Note to readers: Android is potentially ...

Source: Android News

Five talks of HTC Dream and Android

Yes this is the Google Phone.http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2008/03/linkify-your-text.html read more | digg story.

Source: Android News

Google and Android

Google proposes Android as a ‘white spaces’ platform March 24, 2008, 4:14 PM Google is already on record as a proponent of devices that make use of empty TV broadcast space for wireless data services. Now in a proposal to the FCC, ...

Source: Android News

Android phones as early as this fall?

Google has told the world to expect the first phones with its operating system in the second half of this year, but they might be out sooner rather than later.

Source: Android News

Google Throws Another Wireless Ball in The Air: WiFi 2.0

Google also wants as many companies as possible to build Android phones and wireless devices for as many of those networks as possible so that even more people can search the Web and use Google applications when they are not sitting in ...

Source: Android News

понеділок, 24 березня 2008 р.

Google champions WiFi 2.0 for Android phones by 2009

Embracing its loss to AT&T and Verizon in the 700 MHz auction, Google has moved on to pursue WiFi 2.0 for Android in 2009. The search king wants a swath of wireless spectrum currently controlled by unused broadcast channels to be ...

Source: Android News

HTC + Android= Handroid (+ SMS+Ad=> G$)

The mobile phone High Tech Computer (HTC) has been developing to run on the Android software from Google will be called "Dream," and it will have a large touchscreen and full QWERTY keypad, a person close to the situation said Thursday. ...

Source: Android News

Google Pushes FCC To Allow Android to Run On White Space

Google has stated that they believe that Android could be a platform to use the white space for wireless online access across the United States. Google is a very outspoken supporter of allowing devices to use the white space. ...

Source: Android News

Beneficiaries of wireless industry turbulence

Android and the Open Handset Alliance will allow Google to run the advertising OS of the mobile industry, just like it has become the Web’s Advertising OS. Sprint seeking a strategy and what’s really happening in WiMAX ...

Source: Android News

Android phones as early as this fall?

A Google executive may have inadvertently tipped the wireless industry's hand on the launch time frame for Android phones. Ever since introducing Android, a mobile-phone operating system, last November, Google has said that ...

Source: Android News

Google Wants to Fill in the White Spaces

White space spectrum is the unused spectrum between channels 2 and 51 on TV sets that aren't hooked up to satellite or cable services, for unlicensed devices such as smart phones, presumably based on the company's sponsored Android ...

Source: Android News

Airwaves, Androids and the future of the internet

They are calling it “Android”. Basically that means that anyone with basic coding ability (like us) will be able to write software for any mobile phone which will support the Android software platform. Don’t like the way your phone ...

Source: Android News

Reference: Android Site

Android Guys. I’ve got too many bookmarks as it is. That’s partially why I have a blog. To dump things I know I’ll need later on here, where it’s easier to find them.

Source: Android News

Google Android phones coming soon.

Android, Google’s new mobile phone software which boats an open platform which will allow cell phone makers and owners to develop innovative applications. The Android platform consists of an operating system, middleware, a user-friendly ...

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo to strip down mobile OS; Android coming in 2010

This is an about-face for NTT DoCoMo, which has always sold on its extra data and content features: the Japanese operator will sell some stripped-down phones without data connections, enabling the handset manufacturers to simultaneously ...

Source: Android News

Android phones as early as this fall?

Ever since introducing Android, a mobile-phone operating system, last November, Google has said that Android-loaded phones would be available in the second half of this year. However, on Monday, Richard Whitt, Google's Washington ...

Source: Android News

Android phones as early as this fall?

Ever since introducing Android, a mobile-phone operating system, last November, Google has said that Android-loaded phones would be available in the second half of this year. However, on Monday, Richard Whitt, Google's Washington ...

Source: Android News

HTC Dream: Android’s First Phone

Several reputable sources (Forbes, InfoWorld) have published rumors that the HTC Dream will be the first Android Phone. The rumors seem to be from industry and company insiders who have spilled the beans. You wonder how many of these ...

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo to introduce Android by 2010

NTT DoCoMo one of the members of the OHA are planning on introducing Google’s Android as its new OS by 2010. Thats a very far way but by then we'd expect Android to be very matured and a real challemge to Windows Mobile and the other ...

Source: Android News

NTT DoCoMo to strip down mobile OS; Android coming in 2010

NTT DoCoMo also revealed that it expects to introduce Google’s Android as its new OS by 2010. The two companies previously agreed to load apps such as Google Maps for Mobile and Gmail onto the i-mode platform, with Android-based ...

Source: Android News

Google’s Android OS Now Worth Watching

I didn’t know several of those genius maniacs who produced the Be OS and went on to try to save Palm OS are now over at Google doing the Android OS. Dianne Hackborn (aka hackbod) is one of them. This boosts Android OS from a disaster in ...

Source: Android News

700MHz Auction Yields Many Winners, Including Android

Sounds like the type of thing Google Android would benefit from… right? Unfortunately for the Big G, if the reserve price of $4.64 Billion Dollars was not met, the open access restrictions would be removed from Block C and a new auction ...

Source: Android News

Android PC Case Mod - I think this whole thing may have gone a wee <b>...</b>

So some guy (Read: Eric Burke) decided to build a case/computer in dedication to the Open Handset Alliances’ new development platform known as Android. The logo for the platform is some Clip Art quality green robot and this PC ...

Source: Android News

Dumb Out

Whatever your policy stance on "Lollipop," it's worth pointing out that Weezy F. Baby stays innovating. He figured out the one thing that the android R&B flavor du jour needed more of: guitar solos!

Source: Android News

Comment on Wearing Your Deathmask in Life by Android Assassins <b>...</b>

[…] Is our future castoff as a broken visage of the mask that once became us? […]

Source: Android News

Android Assassins: Inventing the Death Wish

Have we met our match in inventing our own assassins? Is it part of our evolutionary, technical DNA, to foster devices that intend to kill us? Have we have created a death wish covenant with technology? If we believe, “If you build it, ...

Source: Android News

Comment on With This Robot, I Thee Wed by Android Assassins <b>...</b>

[…] we believe, “If you build it, they will come” — then we also must accept the new verity of, “If you build them to kill, they […]

Source: Android News

[android-developers] DatabaseContentProvider got RuntimeException <b>...</b>

To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com Announcing the new M5 SDK! ...

Source: Android News

Audiobook review: “Blade Runner”

The broad outline of both novel and movie is the same: Androids have returned to Earth after killing humans and must be destroyed, and that’s left to Rick Deckard. He’sa bounty hunter for the San Francisco police in the book; ...

Source: Android News

Playing with Android SDK

Yesterday I wrote a small app using Android SDK, this app is called on every incoming call showing a image, just for testing purposes and trying to bring something new to show on your phone.

Source: Android News

Android PC for Sale on eBay [<b>Android</b>]

Isn’t it adorable? Eric Burke is so sweaty, teeth-gnashingly hyped for Google’s Android that he built an Android PC. Powering the bobble head is a VIA NanoBGA C7 processor on a mini-ITX motherboard,… Full post here: Gizmodo.

Source: Android News

Download Android Kikaider - Lonely Soul Download - Watch <b>Android</b> <b>...</b>

Professor Komyoji is killed in his lab while creating Jiro, a super-android who looks like a human–until he morphs into his battle form. What sets Jiro apart is the “Gemini Circuit” that gives him a conscience. ...

Source: Android News

Android PC Auctioned Off

Google’s Android platform might not be out just yet, but Eric Burke could not contain his excitement to come up with an Android PC of his own, featuring the Android logo which is accompanied by a pair of beady eyes and rubbery antennae. ...

Source: Android News

Meet the Dream, HTC’s Google Android Phone

Dream of all dreams, HTC has announced their first Android-based handset will be called the Dream. The phone obviously, will run Google’s much-awaited Android software and is (more…) Bookmark It. Add to BlinkBits Add to BlinkList Add ...

Source: Android News

Android PC Auctioned Off

Google’s Android platform might not be out just yet, but Eric Burke could not contain his excitement to come up with an Android PC of his own, featuring the Android logo which is accompanied by a pair of beady eyes and rubbery antennae. ...

Source: Android News

Google Phone in Japan?: Largest Japanese Cell Phone Carrier to ...

However, I honestly don’t see Android really gaining any real ground even if DoCoMo was to give it a full push. The handset market is really cut throat for the typical manufacturer with low margins and lots of restrictions. ...

Source: Android News

HTC Dream Android Phone

The HTC Dream Android phone rumors have surfaced again. The HTC Dream is supposed to be the first Android running handset released to the public. A person close to the situation recently told InfoWorld that this handset is indeed ...

Source: Android News

google android

check out this site (Android) and tell me what you think about the android i can see me having one of these as a second phone;)

Source: Android News

Plantronics Doing Something Big

Plantronics is planning something big. I have discussed this before and they are staying pretty quiet about what they are working on ... 21, 2007 Open Handset Alliance and More - Nov 05 Posted in VoIP Blog - Tehrani.com ( 690 links from ...

Source: Android News

Plantronics Doing Something Big

Plantronics is planning something big. I have discussed this before and they are staying pretty quiet about what they are working on. Moreover whatever they are doing has been in development for over a year and they aren't close enough ...

Source: Android News

Android PC for Sale on eBay [<b>Android</b>]

Isn’t it adorable? Eric Burke is so sweaty, teeth-gnashingly hyped for Google’s Android that he built an Android PC. Powering the bobble head is a VIA NanoBGA C7 processor on a mini-ITX motherboard,… Full post here: Gizmodo.

Source: Android News

Is Google Android the Next Windows?

The VAR Guy: "The looming Google Android vs. Apple iPhone battle could wind up looking a lot like the old Windows vs. Mac OS war from more than a decade ago. Here's why..."

Source: Android News

Is Google Android the Next Windows? (Addict 3D)

The VAR Guy: "The looming Google Android vs. Apple iPhone battle could wind up looking a lot like the old Windows vs.

Source: Android News

неділя, 23 березня 2008 р.

World’s First Google Android PC

Google’s Android platform might be designed for mobile devices, but that didn’t stop this guy from making an Android-inspired desktop computer. [article via technabob.com read more] Related Posts Google Android to outsell the iPhone? ...

Source: Android News

Mobile Locative Game “Parallel Kingdom”

A game for iPhone and Android, which uses either GPS or the My Location feature of Google Maps on the iPhone:. “According to its description, Parallel Kingdom places the virtual world on top of the real world using the GPS inside your ...

Source: Android News

I want an Android phone!

Now that I get to play with Android devices every day (well, when I'm at work), I'm getting excited about the possibilities of such devices. I'm really looking forward to those being available for retail sale so that I can get one that ...

Source: Android News

Windows Mobile is one way Microsoft can’t innovate

A piece of Danger split off a few years ago to found Android, developing an open-source phone platform. Brilliant. That’s what Google bought and is now in the process of rolling out with hundreds of developers and multiple manufacturers ...

Source: Android News

HTC Dream, one of many Android projects

Rumors abound that High Tech Computer (HTC) has an Android phone in the works, called Dream. The phone is said to include both a full QWERTY keyboard and a nice, big touchscreen. Some expected features of the “Dream” are that the ...

Source: Android News

A Question of Logic

An Editorial By Android CAI/7 -5342-X7 (MoxArgon Group Entertainment Reporter). Greeting organics of the planet Earth. My attempts to "weasel" my way out of the position as the "entertainment reporter" for the MoxArgon Group have failed ...

Source: Android News

Report: Mobile Developer Meetup

We also talked about Google Android, whose set of features matches Apple’s platform. But here again, the fact that cell phone manufacturer will have their own implementation of Google Android will be a huge burden to developers: for ...

Source: Android News